Preparation for University Accreditation and UPNVJ HI Study Program

HumasUPNVJ - In the framework of preparation activities for Higher Education accreditation and International Relations Study Program accreditation, the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UPN Veterans Jakarta held a preparatory meeting for the Preparation of Higher Education Accreditation and Study Program Accreditation. UPNVJ presents Prof. Johni as Member of the Executive Board of the National Accreditation Board - Higher Education (BAN-PT) by providing material regarding "BAN-PT Policy) Regarding the Determination of PT / PS Accreditation Ratings Through: Re-Accreditation, Pepa, Conversion and Equalization of International Accreditation for UPNVJ Towards Excellence ”. The activity took place face to face in the UPNVJ Nusantara 1 meeting room which was attended by the Chancellor, Deputy Chancellors, Plt. The Dean of Social Sciences and staff, Heads of Bureaus, Heads of Institutions and university and study program accreditation teams. (16/1)


Anter Venus, Chancellor of UPNVJ, invited UPNVJ academics to care about accreditation rankings, "We must know the strengths and weaknesses of our campus in order to achieve superior accreditation. We have to fix many things, fortunately today we got extraordinary material from Prof. Johni for what we should do. UPNVJ is committed to continuously improving campus accreditation and study programs," said Venus


In his presentation, Prof. Johni explained that for the Determination of Accreditation: Eligibility, Quality Level, Legality & Legitimacy of PS/PT SN-DIKTI that should pay more attention, "Accreditation is an Assessment activity in accordance with predetermined criteria based on SN - Higher Education. Accreditation is carried out to determine the eligibility of PS and PT on the basis of criteria that refer to SN Dikti. Higher Education Accreditation (PT) is carried out by BAN-PT," explained Prof. Johni

"Requirements for higher education accreditation that must be considered include: Adequacy of higher education lecturers (the ratio of the number of permanent lecturers who meet the lecturer requirements to the number of study programs: R DPS ≥ 5. Non-permanent lecturers (percentage of the number of non-permanent lecturers to the total number of lecturers): If P DTT ≤ 40%. Availability of formal SPMI documents, availability of accurate evidence regarding good practices for developing quality culture in tertiary institutions): evidenced by the presence of 5 aspects as follows: 1) SPMI organs/functions, 2) SPMI documents, 3) internal auditors , 4) audit results, and 5) follow-up evidence. Effectiveness of implementing a quality assurance system: PTs have evidence regarding good practices in developing a quality culture in tertiary institutions through Management Review Meetings (RTM). If one or more assessment points are not met, then the PT is not accredited (TMSP) ”, he continued


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