Attached to the Identity of Defending the Country, UPNVJ Routinely Holds a Flag Ceremony Every Month

HumasUPNVJ - As a campus that has a national defense identity, UPN Veteran Jakarta holds regular ceremonies on the 17th of every month. Similar to today (17/2), all UPNVJ members of the UPNVJ community held a face-to-face flag ceremony on campus, at the Wahidin Sudiro Husodo Building, Faculty of Medicine.


Prasetyo Hadi, UPNVJ Deputy Chancellor for General Affairs and Finance (Warek 2) representing the Rector served as the Ceremony Superintendent, in his direction, Vice Chancellor 2 explained the various activities that UPNVJ had and would carry out last January and the current month of February, "On January 18 2023 We are proud and proud that the Faculty of Medicine has carried out the 72nd Inauguration and Oath of Doctors with a total of 66 doctors. January 30, 2023 with our target according to the vision of becoming an international-scale excellent university making various preparations to achieve the QS World Rankings, because QS World preparations and assistance were carried out with the resource person Prof. Irwan Tri Nugroho, SE, M.Sc, Ph. D (Professor of Management Science UNS-Solo), 3 February 2023 as a form of supporting various government programs in order to improve the health quality of Indonesian people, we are also working with POLRI to hold Booster 1 and 2 Vaccine Centers with 140 registrants , February 8, 2023 UPNVJ UPNVJ in collaboration with IKATSI held "Ecoprint seminars and training/workshops on printing techniques on fabrics with natural dyes, Then on February 14, 2023 UPNVJ has carried out the inauguration of the 62nd undergraduate medical oath of UPNVJ Faculty of Medicine with a total of 99 students, February 15, 2023 has been held The Public Discussion with the theme of Defending the Country from an Islamic perspective brought in great sources, namely the Director of the Wahid Foundation, Dra. Zannuba Arifah Ch.R and Chair of the Central MUI Da'wah Commission, KH Ahmad Zubaidi, MA "explained Vice Rector 2

This routine ceremony was attended by all UPNVJ academics, including lecturers, education staff, university officials, Deans and UPNVJ staff and students.


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