Presenting Community Figures, UPNVJ Holds a Public Discussion with the Theme of State Defense in an Islamic Perspective

HumasUPNVJ - UPN Veteran Jakarta is a tertiary institution that has the characteristics of defending the country, based on a vision, mission and goals as well as strong academic goals, always committed to realizing UPNVJ as a highly competitive State University with the identity of Defending the Country.

When associated with Islamic teachings, it is clear that Islam highly values the values contained in the meaning of the term state defense. For example, the values of solidarity ( ta'awun ), loyalty to the state ideology that has been mutually agreed upon ( kalimun sawa' ), a sense of unity and brotherhood ( ukhuwah Islamiyah ) in an Islamic way, spreading good and preventing evil ( amar ma'ruf nahi munkar ), the obligation to fulfill rights and obligations, believe in positive and constructive self-confidence, as well as other values.

The concept of defending the country is included in Islam, defending the country is one of the embodiments of brotherhood in Islam, namely ukhuwah wathoniyah which means to love and be brothers with fellow countrymen and waters. The form of defending the country in Indonesia by Muslims has been echoed since the time of independence. The incident on November 10, Bung Tomo, together with other defenders of the homeland, made a speech calling for the liberation of the homeland and expelling the invaders.

In line with this and in order to achieve the form of defending the state from an Islamic perspective, UPNVJ held a Public Discussion by inviting resource persons who were experts in their fields to be able to broaden their knowledge of State Defense in an Islamic perspective, including: Dra. Zannuba Arifah Ch. R as the Director of the Wahid Foundation and KH. Ahmad Zubaidi., MA as Chairman of the Central MUI Da'wah Commission.

This Public Discussion was attended by approximately 250 participants including the Chancellor, Deputy Chancellors, Deans, Lecturers and Students of UPNVJ University Compulsory Courses (MKWU). This activity took place in a hybrid manner, Offline was carried out at the UPNVJ Bhinneka Tunggal Ika Auditorium and UPNVJ YouTube Live Streaming . (15/2)


Anter Venus, UPNVJ Chancellor in his remarks explained the detailed objectives of this Public Discussion being held, "This Public Lecture activity is held with the aim of: Increasing understanding and encouraging students to be more active, As additional lectures besides lectures that have been previously obtained, Improving students' way of thinking about defending the country and Building good relations between external parties and the educational environment, "he said


dr. Zannuba Arifah who is better known as Yenny Wahid gave material on: Islam, Diversity and National Agreements, in her presentation she said that the Unitary Republic of Indonesia and Pancasila were in harmony with Islam, "The Unitary Republic of Indonesia and Pancasila were in harmony with Islam. NKRI is daarul mitsaq (country agreement), Pancasila is mu'ahadah wathaniyyah (national agreement). Every precept of Pancasila is in line with Islamic teachings," explained Yenny

"You are lucky to be in the right place to get a deeper identity for defending the country than other people because the UPNVJ campus has implemented defending the country from an early age, from the beginning of the semester until you graduate," he added


In accordance with the theme of the Public Discussion, KH. Ahmad Zubaidi gave material on State Defense in Islam, "In Islam, defending the State is obligatory because it means defending honor, building brotherhood and rejecting evil and injustice. Indonesian Muslims must defend, continue, care for, guard and become the vanguard in defending the country," he explained

This Public Discussion theme invited a lot of enthusiasm from all participants, especially UPNVJ students.


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