Pioneering the International Class, UPNVJ Holds an English Language Training Program for Lecturers

HumasUPNVJ – As we all know, UPNVJ has a vision of becoming an international scale state university with students and graduates who are innovative, competitive, and have a national defense identity. The first step that can be taken to achieve this vision is to open an English class.

Based on this reason, as a technical implementation unit in the field of learning development and language services which has the task of carrying out learning development, capacity building, and language proficiency test services, the UPT Language is again holding English training for lecturers in the UPNVJ environment who are likely to be assigned to teach courses. English.

The training program with the theme English as Medium of Instruction in Higher Education (EME) was held for two days from Wednesday (1/02) to Thursday (02/02). Activities are located in two places, namely in the Dr. Auditorium Room. Wahidin Sudiro Husodo FK and at the FISIP Diplomacy Laboratory. \

Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Dr. R Dudy Heryadi, M.Sc, who was present at the opening ceremony, admitted that he really supports the continuation of this training program. International recognition is a matter of great concern to all universities, including UPNVJ.

"Alhamdulillah, yes, I really support it because it is true that we have to start pioneering and broaden our horizons. So we can no longer just rely on processes that exist in the country. We have to cooperate with universities abroad. Hopefully one day we can have an international class whose contents are students from various countries.” Dudy said to the UPNVJ Public Relations team in an interview session.


The Head of UPT Language, Ayunita Ajengtyas Saputri, SE, M.Acc stated that the purpose of this training was to further explore potential, improve the English-language experience of lecturers, and to improvise teaching competencies.

"As lecturers, we must participate in realizing UPNVJ's mission to become a leading university by improving the quality of our teaching, class management, and communication skills. Through this two-day training activity, let's also show our commitment to achieving a better Indonesian Education." Said Ayu when opening the training program.


Dudy said something similar. Training programs like this need to be carried out in order to pioneer the ideals of the university. “…This can expand networking, improve our quality as a university, etc. Initiatives like this really have to be done, we have to learn. Prepare the lecturers, infrastructure, later when we are ready, we will open registration for international classes."

Dudy's hope is that at least there should be synergy between faculties, universities, and study programs so that this vision can be achieved. "Later the program will be made starting next semester. We may open English classes in each study program. Now this will continue to evolve into an international class.”

UPT Language had prepared for this activity weeks in advance and managed to bring in three speakers as well as trainers, including; 1) Dr. Li Nunung Nurhayati from STKP Rangkas Bitung, 2) Quintin Dika from Paramadina University, and 3) Alexandria Tjia from Life Coach.


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