UPNVJ Chancellor Visits PUPR Ministry

HumasUPNVJ - As a New State University, Jakarta "Veteran" National Development University which was established based on Presidential Decree No. 120 of 2014 has undergone significant and massive changes, one of which is increasing trust in cooperation in the academic field, especially in student exchange program activities. Based on the data already owned by UPNVJ in 2022 it has succeeded in carrying out several student exchange program activities, including; The Merdeka Student Exchange Program, all of which came from areas outside Java with a total of 100 participants, an internal Student Exchange Program with UPN "Veteran" East Java and UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta, totaling 30 participants, and the Nusantara Student Exchange Program Credit Transfer System which was attended by 30 participants as well as the Foreign Student exchange program which has 22 participants from several countries.

In connection with the things mentioned earlier, this is a big achievement for UPNVJ so that it encourages us to continue to create strategies to support the progress of the Student Exchange Program so that it develops more. there were several student exchange participants who received inadequate facilities so that they risked reducing their interest in participating in the UPNVJ exchange program.

As a form of strategic plan to overcome this problem, UPNVJ plans to develop facilities and infrastructure, namely the construction of a 4-floor student dormitory building. In line with this, the Chancellor of UPNVJ accompanied by the Deputy Chancellor for General Affairs and Cooperation, Deputy Chancellor for General Affairs and Finance and the Head of the Public Relations Technical Implementation Unit and their staff visited the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing of the Republic of Indonesia (Ministry of PUPR RI). (1/2)


On this occasion, the Chancellor and his staff held an audience with the Director of Housing Management System and Strategy, Ir. Edward Abdurrahman, located in the SSPP Directorate Meeting Room, Building G, Floor 7, Ministry of PUPR.


The Chancellor of UPNVJ, Anter Venus, specifically explained the purpose of this audience, namely to make a presentation on the proposal for the construction of a dormitory building intended for UPNVJ students later, "In particular, the objectives of developing facilities and infrastructure include; Providing facilities and infrastructure for students who have accommodation difficulties in the UPNVJ environment, Supporting student exchange program activities because it accommodates students from outside UPNVJ, Adding value to assets owned by UPN "Veteran" Jakarta, and Supporting the activities of the UPNVJ business unit whose status is PTN BLU, "he explained .


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