Cross-Cultural Dialogue by Exchange Program Students

Public Relations of UPNVJ - In order to realize an increase in the internationalization of universities and realize the implementation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, UPN "Veteran" Jakarta (UPNVJ) continues to strive for various concrete program implementations with various partner universities and institutions abroad and within the country, one of which is through visits and dialogue foreign student.

As a form of implementation of these efforts, UPNVJ has conducted a series of joint visits by 6 (six) students of Ablai Khan University, Kazakhstan and 2 (two) students of Walailak University, Thailand to Bandung on 2–3 March 2023 to visit Padjadjaran University (UNPAD). , Pasundan University (UNPAS), Bandung Mayor's Office, and the Museum of the Asian-African Conference (MKAA).

The activity began with a dialogue between UPNVJ and UNPAD students followed by UNPAS students as a form of collaborative program in the field of cultural exchange. Dr. Miguna Astuti, S.Si. MM, CPM., as the Head of the UPNVJ Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Sub-KUI hopes that the implementation of this collaboration program can have a positive impact on all parties in terms of cultural enrichment. Furthermore, the implementation of this cultural exchange was initiated as a way to strengthen networks between the three domestic universities involved and partners abroad.

In accordance with information shared by students from Ablai Khan University – Khakan Arshamov, Mussin Beisenbay, and Timofei Putin – that universities in Kazakhstan which are ranked high in the QS World Ranking, especially Ablai Khan University, are in partnership with countries in Southeast Asia such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and others.


They also told about tourist attractions and monuments in Kazakhstan which are cultural destinations for foreign visitors. Foreign tourist visits are one area that also supports the economy in Kazkahstan. There are the cities of Astana and Almaty as one of the main attractions in Kazakhstan through its magnificent buildings and various natural beauties in Kazakhstan such as the Big Almaty Lake and the Charyn Canyon Valley.

On the other hand, from Walailak University, Awkaramunee Munjinda and Anvarit Mahammad explained a study method in Thailand that focuses on active learning , brainstorming , and the use of technology evenly in the education sector. They displayed the Walailak University formal uniform in the form of a white shirt and black bottoms which were used for formal activities such as visits to other institutions and universities.

To UPNVJ, UNPAD, and UNPAS, Awkaramunee and Anvarit showed videos containing international activities and various exchange students from various countries around the world. Walailak University also continues to strive to increase its internationalization through international cooperation and the involvement of international students and lecturers.


Through this cultural discussion it is known that the culture in Thailand has some similarities with Indonesian culture in terms of dance and clothing. Two Thai students admitted that they adapted quickly because of this cultural similarity.

After students from Ablai Khan Univeristy and Walailak University shared their country's culture, Indonesia also did the same thing. On this occasion UNPAS introduced the kebaya as a traditional dress from the West Java region, a presentation on Indonesian Indigenous Heritage, traditional dances, traditional food, and typical Indonesian arts, as well as education regarding cultural protection in preventing unilateral cultural recognition by other countries.


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