The Chancellor of UPNVJ Simultaneously Appoints Deans of the Faculty for the 2023-2027 Period

HumasUPNVJ - Jakarta "Veteran" National Development University (UPNVJ) held a simultaneous inauguration of the deans of all faculties on Tuesday, April 4 2023. The inauguration of the dean's position for the 2023-2027 period took place at the Bhinneka Tunggal Ika Auditorium UPNVJ.

Beginning with a prayer reading, UPNVJ Chancellor Dr. Anter Venus, MA.Comm led the oath-taking in front of the deans of the seven faculties.


"I need to remind you that this oath and promise contains a responsibility towards the nation and state of the Republic of Indonesia. The responsibility to maintain and save Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution, as well as responsibility for the welfare of the people," said the Chancellor of UPNVJ.

"This oath and promise, apart from being witnessed by yourself and all who are here, are also witnessed by God Almighty. God knows what is visible and what is hidden, and it is to God that you will give accountability," he continued.

After taking the oath of office according to their respective religions and beliefs, the deans signed the minutes of the inauguration and the integrity pact.

"I believe that you will carry out your duties as well as possible, according to the responsibilities given," said the Chancellor of UPNVJ, inaugurating the inauguration of the seven deans.

After that, the event continued with the handover of positions from the old officials to the new deans. Several invited guests were also present at this simultaneous inauguration, including Brigadier General Dr. Heriyanto and the 7th Chancellor of UPNVJ Prof. Dr. Erna Hernawati. Ak. CPMA. ca.

The event was closed by reading a prayer and symbolically congratulating the seven deans by the Chancellor of UPNVJ and other members of the UPNVJ academic community.

Here are the seven new UNPVJ deans for the 2023-2027 period:

-Dean of the Faculty of Economics & Business - Dr Jubaedah, SE., MM.

-Dean of the Faculty of Law -Dr. Suherman, SH, LLM

-Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science - Dr Ermatita, M.Kom

-Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences - Desmawati, SKP, MKep, Sp.Mat, PhD

-Dean of the Faculty of Social & Political Sciences -Dr. S. Bekti Istiyanto, M.Sc

-Dean of the Faculty of Medicine - Dr.dr.H. Taufiq Fredrik Pasiak, M.Kes., M.Pd.I.

-Dean of the Faculty of Engineering -Dr. Henry BH Sitorus, ST., MT


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