The Mayor of Depok and His Deputy Attend the Presentation of the LPPM UPNVJ Business Incubator Plan

HumasUPNVJ - As a follow-up to the collaborative activities between UPN "Veteran" Jakarta and the City Government (Pemkot) Depok, the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) attended the presentation of the Business Incubator (Inkubiz) with Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) ). (12/4)


Deputy Mayor of Depok City, Ir. H. Imam Budi Hartono and Head of Bappeda Depok City Drs. Dadang Wihana, M.Sc. also attended the presentation. Not only that, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Dr. Drs. R. Dudy Heryadi, M.Si was also present to provide direction regarding the program to be offered to the Depok City Government.

"The Mayor and I are very interested in the Incubiz program, because during this period we have promised a program of 5,000 new entrepreneurs and 1,000 women. With this program from UPNVJ it can help develop MSMEs in Depok City," said Ir. H. Imam Budi Hartono as Deputy Mayor of Depok City.

In line with this, the Head of Bappeda for Depok City also said that Depok City has more than 82 start-ups that are currently developing and 18 to 20 of them have succeeded in going international.


"Apart from the Incubiz program, UPNVJ's research and community service programs are also in line with existing programs in Depok City. For example, community service activities in Kampung Caraka," said Drs. Dadang Wihana, M.Si as the Head of the Depok City Bappeda.

Furthermore, the Depok City Government also appreciates UPNVJ, especially LPPM, which has been intense in coordinating regarding the ongoing cooperation. "From LPPM it has been intense to coordinate with us at Bappeda regarding research and community service programs, as well as plans for 2023," said the Head of the Depok City Bappeda.

This collaborative activity with the Depok City Government is in line with the directives from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) regarding the tridharma of higher education. One of them is community service.

"This activity can be one of the tridharma duties of higher education for lecturers to do community service," said Dr. Drs. R. Dudy Heryadi, M.Sc as Deputy Chancellor for Academic Affairs.


Dr. Drs. R. Dudy Heryadi, M.Si also said that campuses that are usually considered as ivory towers must be removed. "That campuses only study to gain knowledge must also be abandoned. Because in reality the campus must also be close to the community environment, "he said.

After giving directions, the activity continued with an explanation from the Business Incubator Manager, M. Octaviano Pratama, M.Kom., to discuss the Cloud Kitchen program which will be held in Depok City. " Cloud Kitchen can help MSMEs who don't have a kitchen for production. So that later several MSMEs can gather in one Cloud Kitchen ," said M. Octaviano Pratama, M.Kom.

The enthusiasm of MSME actors who attended the activity was very positive about the presentation and discussion that took place in the City Government Bappeda Meeting Room. It can be seen that the discussion took place communicatively between the Depok City Government, LPPM, and MSME actors.

Through these exposure activities, Dr. Sri Lestari Wahyuningroem as Chair of the LPPM hopes that UPN "Veteran" Jakarta can directly benefit the community. "Our desire as a university is that we want to contribute and give meaning to the community directly," concluded the Head of LPPM.

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