Arrangements for Restorative Justice Become the Big Theme of the 23rd Anniversary of the 23rd Anniversary of the Faculty of Law UPNVJ

HumasUPNVJ - Faculty of Law, Jakarta Veterans National Development University in the framework of the 23rd Anniversary of FH UPNVJ held a National Seminar with the topic " IDEAL MODEL OF RESTORATIVE JUSTICE ARRANGEMENTS IN INDONESIA'S CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM ". The ideal model for restorative justice arrangements in the criminal justice system in Indonesia. Sub-theme: Implementation of Restorative Justice Arrangements in the Indonesian Criminal Justice System from a Judge's Perspective. Speakers presented: Dr. Yanto, SH., MH (Junior Registrar of Criminal Cases of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia). Sub-Theme: The Ideal Model of Restorative Justice Arrangements in the Criminal Justice System in Indonesia From a Progressive Legal Perspective. Speaker: Dr. Reda Manthovani, SH., LLM ( Head of the High Court). Sub-Theme: The Ideal Model of Restorative Justice Arrangements in the Hierarchy of Legislation. Speaker: Prof. Dr. Wicipto Setiadi, SH, MH (Professor of UPNVJ Faculty of Law).

The Dean of the Faculty of Law UPNVJ, Suherman explained the purpose of this activity being held, " The purpose of the Semnas Anniversary of the Faculty of Law UPNVJ, Recommending policies for implementing Restorative Justice arrangements in the criminal justice system in Indonesia from the perspective of judges; Recommended an ideal model for setting restorative justice in the criminal justice system in Indonesia from a progressive legal perspective; Provide strengthening of the Urgency of Formulation of an Ideal Model for Restorative Justice Arrangements in the Criminal Justice System in Indonesia.


Anter Venus, the Chancellor of UPNVJ discussed the urgency of setting up Restorative Justice in the Draft Criminal Procedure Code to support the realization of an integrated criminal justice system. Anter Venus explained that a constructive concept of ideas was needed in formulating an ideal model for RJ arrangements, by comparing the implementation of Restorative Justice in several other countries in order to formulate an ideal concept to be implemented in Indonesia.

The UPNVJ Faculty of Law Anniversary Celebration was held offline at the UPNVJ FK Wahidin Building Auditorium. (4/5)


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