One Day Before UTBK, Participants Must Observe the Following 5 Things

HumasUPNVJ - The implementation of the Computer-Based Writing Examination (UTBK), which is part of the Test-Based National Selection (SNBT), is in sight. The first batch of UTBK-SNBT at the Jakarta "Veteran" Development University (UPNVJ) will be held on 8-14 May 2023, while the second batch will be on 22-28 May 2023.

Before implementing UTBK, participants must pay attention to the following five important things. First, all participants are required to bring exam participant cards, diplomas or legalized diplomas (for batches of 2022 and 2021), original class 12 certificates signed by the school principal and containing (student's name, NISN, NPSN, and recent passport photo), and also identification card such as KTP or SIM.

Second, all participants must confirm where the exam location will take place, whether at UPNVJ Pondok Labu Campus or at UPNVJ Limo Campus.


"Make sure you are absolutely sure where the exam location will be held. In each period, there are always at least 10 people who are in the wrong place. This must be anticipated from the start," said UPNVJ Chancellor Dr. Anter Venus, MA. Comm.

The third point is about time. All participants are encouraged to come to the location at least one hour before the test. This aims to anticipate unwanted things, such as traffic jams, documents left behind, wrong location, and so on.

"A waiting room is provided for UTBK participants, and that can be used for rest or other preparations," said Venus.

Fourth, all participants must follow the dress code during the exam. Participants must wear collared clothes with trousers and shoes and must wear a mask.

"For clothing, we have informed them on social media. If you come wearing a shirt without a collar, we will not allow you to enter. Wearing sandals is the same. We will instruct them to wear collared clothes and shoes," said UPNVJ UTBK executive coordinator, Fajar Nugroho, S. Kom., MP

Fifth, participants who bring their vehicles during the exam must already know where to park. The exam committee has prepared a number of parking pockets, and the participants must know where to park their vehicles later. We recommend that after dropping off the participants, the escort can immediately leave the UPNVJ area because the escort and the vehicle are not allowed to enter the campus (sterile).

UTBK-SNBT at UPNVJ is divided into two sessions, namely morning and afternoon. The number of participants per session is 800, so that in a day it reaches 1,600. Each session lasts 195 minutes.

"Because we have 14 days of UTBK, the total participants have reached 22,400," said Fajar.

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