First Day of UTBK at UPNVJ Runs Smoothly

HumasUPNVJ - The implementation of the Test-Based National Selection Computer Based Writing Examination (UTBK-SNBT) at the "Veteran" Jakarta National Development University (UPNVJ) went smoothly on the first day, Monday (8/5). The committee members arrived earlier at 04.30 WIB, while the participants started arriving at 05.00 WIB.

Even though there were still some participants who violated the provisions, such as arriving late, dressing inappropriately or not completing the documents, in general the implementation of the UTBK-SNBT today took place as expected.

The UTBK-SNBT activities on the first day began with welcoming the participants and lining them up. After that, the committee checks body temperature, dress requirements, and examines documents.

Most of the participants followed the UTBK implementation provisions well, but there were some who did not comply. There were still some participants who came wearing collarless shirts, and some were wearing sandals.

"There were also some who did not bring participant cards, because they thought they could show the digital version of their smartphones. There were also those who did not carry diplomas or SKL," said the UPNVJ UTBK Executive Coordinator, Fajar Nugroho, S.Kom., MP

Not wanting to make things difficult for the participants, the committee asked participants who did not bring a diploma or SKL to contact the house and send their photos via smartphone. After that, the committee will help print it.

After checking the documents, the participants were directed to the examination room after previously passing through metal detector checks to anticipate fraud. The morning exam session lasts from 07.15 to 10.30, while the afternoon session is from 13.00 to 16.30.

"We found late participants who came after the exam started. We told those concerned that they could not take part in UTBk because they were late from the set time," said Fajar.

"We urge participants to come 1 hour before entering the exam room, bring exam documents (Participant ID Cards, certificates/SKL legalization for the 2021 and 2022 batches, for the 2023 batch bring a class 12 certificate containing student data, signature and stamp of the school principal along with a passport photo)”, he added

As in previous years, there were also participants who were in the wrong location. There were participants who were supposed to take the exam at UPNVJ Pondok Labu Campus, but instead came to UPNVJ Limo Campus, and vice versa. This location error still occurs even though UPNVJ has repeatedly informed it through various communication channels.

Regarding the vehicle parking area, the traffic flow around UPNVJ on the day of the UTBK-SNBT was relatively smooth. Fajar again called on the escorts to immediately leave the UPNVJ area after dropping off the participants. This aims to avoid congestion.

UTBK-SNBT at UPNVJ lasts for 14 days. The first batch took place on 8-14 May 2023, while the second batch took place on 22-28 May 2023. The number of participants per session reached 800, so 1,600 per day. The total number of UTBK-SNBT participants at this year's UPNVJ reached 22,400.


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