UPNVJ Becomes the UTBK – SNBT 2023 Test Location

HumasUPNVJ - UTBK-SNBT 2023 can be attended by students graduating in 2021, 2022, and 2023 from secondary education (SMA/MA/SMK and equivalent), as well as graduates of Package C in 2021, 2022, and 2023 with a maximum age of 25 years (per 1 July 2023). Participation in UTBK is the main requirement for participating in the Test-Based National Selection at Academic PTN, Vocational PTN, and State Islamic Religious College (PTKIN).

( https://snpmb.bppp.kemdikbud.go.id/?mid=9 )


Just like in previous years, UPN Veteran Jakara became one of the Computer-Based Writing Examination Centers - Test-Based National Selection (UTBK - SNBT). Not only campus 1 – Pondok Labu, but campus 2 – Limo Depok is also one of the UTBK centers for the Jakarta Bogor Depok Tangerang Bekasi (Jabodetabek) area.

Met on the first day of implementation, Dudy Heryadi as Deputy Chancellor for Academic Affairs as well as Chief Executive of UTBK - SNBT UPNVJ 2023 explained the preparation process carried out by UPNVJ as one of the UTBK centers, "We have provided various facilities and infrastructure to support the smooth running of UTBK, starting from the flow of entry that is arranged in such a way as to still oblige participants to keep their distance, check body temperature, check files and require participants to wear medical masks while in the test location area, "explained Dudy to the Public Relations team. (8/5)


"There is no significant difference from the previous year's UTBK implementation, we have made preparations as thoroughly as possible, such as computer equipment, classrooms that are always sprayed with disinfectants to the HR (Human Resources) involved such as the Health Team, Public Relations Team, Field Person in Charge ( PJL), Supervisors, Technicians, Security Officers and Cleaning Officers. What's different this year is that it doesn't require antigens and does a barcord scan for the need to care for protect/one is healthy, "continued Dudy

"UTBK - SNBT was held for two weeks divided into 2 waves. The first batch starts from today, Monday 8 May 2023 to Sunday 14 May 2023, then will be continued with wave 2 on 22 May 2023 to 28 May 2023. UTBK – SNBT participants per session are 800 participants, 1600 participants per day and with a total of 22,400 per 14 days, using 29 classrooms both at the UPNVJ - Pondok Labu Campus and also the UPNVJ - Limo Depok Campus, "concluded Dudy at the end of his interview.

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