FISIP UPNVJ Collaborates with and LPS to Hold a Video Journalist Seminar


HumasUPNVJ- Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, UPN Veteran Jakarta in collaboration with and the Deposit Insurance Corporation (LPS) held a Teaching Journalist seminar with the theme Becoming a Great Video Journalist in 120 Minutes. This activity was carried out at the Diplomacy Laboratory, FISIP UPNVJ, Tuesday (30/5/2023).


This activity was attended by UPNVJ Deputy Chancellor 1, R. Dudy Heryadi, and Dean of FISIP UPN Veterans Jakarta, Bekti Istiyanto. In addition, there were 4 presenters who filled the event, including the Head of UPNVJ Postgraduate Communication Studies Program, Munadhil Abdul Muqsith, Head of the Public Communication Team for the Deposit Insurance Corporation (LPS), Anggia Raniardhy, Deputy General Manager of, Rizal Maulana, and Content Video Creator, Tole Sutrisno. Not only that, this event was also attended by hundreds of students at FISIP, UPNVJ.

Deputy General Manager of, Rizal Maulana, explained that journalists' activities are currently heavily influenced by technological developments. This change also requires the media to be adaptive in the current era of disruption. "The development of digital technology has become one of the strengths of the creative economy, now it is increasing and quite resilient. Its capitalization and monetization is great. Especially now that there is a lot of content that can be produced,” said Rizal, Tuesday (30/5/2023).

According to him at this time, the world of journalism has experienced shocks. Especially on media with a certain platform, such as print media. Seen in several media that closed their business, because they could not survive in the digital era.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Postgraduate Study Program in Communication Studies, UPNVJ Munadhil Abdul Muqsith, in his research, said that of the 366 Gen Z respondents who were asked, 83.9% of them still believed in the mass media. The majority of media that are still most trusted are content from television by 32%, social media by 30.6%, and online media (not social media) by 27.9%. "This change in interest was influenced by technological disruption," said Munadhil.

The main reasons people trust news in the media include 47.3% stating that the source of the information data is from the authorities, 23.2% because the news contains complete information about events, and 21.6% is influenced by media channels such as TV, radio, newspapers, online and social media.

In addition, by type of news, entertainment content is still in great demand at 37.4%, local news at 18%, sports at 11.5% and politics at 9.8%. "So if the media wants to target millennials, they should be able to enter the entertainment content segment," he added.

Therefore, the huge potential of digital media today opens up opportunities for the media business. This includes creator content. This profession offers promising profit opportunities, especially for the millennial generation. "After the managed channel develops, it turns out to be quite profitable," said Video Creator Content, Tole Sutrisno.

Tole also added, creator content knowledge is almost similar to journalistic knowledge. However, the current trend is that creator content is always synonymous with digital activity. “Content creators create content, journalists look for news. It's slightly different but in some ways it's still the same," he said.

This seminar is a series of educational events to equip students with video journalist knowledge. The participants were given material regarding the production of video content based on video journalism. This includes techniques and strategies for producing quality videos.

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