The First Day of UTBK, There Are Still Those Who Forget Files to the Wrong Location


HumasUPNVJ - Today, Monday, May 8 2023 UPN Veteran Jakarta is carrying out the first day of the 2023 Computer-Based Writing Examination Based on the National Test (UTBK SNBT).

Based on the monitoring of the Public Relations team, there were still UTBK SNBT participants who did not bring files, were in the wrong location for the exam, and arrived late.

The first session of the exam started at 06.45 WIB, according to the announcement that was informed via social media, UTBK participants were asked to attend at least 1 hour before. However, in reality there are still many participants who arrive late.

In addition to arriving late, there are still many UTBK participants who come with incomplete files according to the announcement made by the SNPMB central committee, namely carrying participant identification cards, certificates/graduation certificates/class 12 certificates and personal identification.

Not only that, there were several participants who were in the wrong location for the exam. According to the information distributed through social media, the UTBK implementation at UPNVJ has 2 locations, namely UPNVJ Pondok Labu and UPNVJ Limo.

Previously, through the Instagram social media account UPNVJ had periodically informed and invited participants to survey test locations, but in reality there were still many who were in the wrong location when they arrived at UPNVJ Pondok Labu. This certainly can hamper the exam and disturb the concentration of participants for the exam.

Windi Tia Saputra as the Head of UPT Humas hopes that with the advice that is always spread through social media, it is hoped that UTBK participants can better prepare themselves to take the exam.

"We have done our best in providing information, now it's just a matter of how the participants can prepare themselves. I hope that there will be no more participants who forget their files, arrive late and go to the wrong location," said Windhi on the occasion when checking the UTBK participant files at the UPNVJ information post.

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