UPNVJ Alumni Share Exciting Experiences of Studying and Working in the Netherlands

Public Relations UPNVJ - National Development University "Veteran" Jakarta presented a special resource person in the digital marketing communication public lecture on Saturday, September 23 2023. With the theme Navigating Social Media and Content Selection for An International Company, the resource person presented was Claudya Stevany, a current UPNVJ alumnus works for the Dutch company IBM.

After graduating from the UPNVJ Communication Science Study Program in 2019, Claudya continued her Masters degree majoring in Media Creation and Innovation at the University of Groningen. While studying in the Netherlands, he also took an internship program as part of the Marketing and Communications team at IBM Consulting Netherlands.

In her general lecture which took place online, Claudya emphasized the importance of the function of social media as a tool for reaching audiences, increasing brand awareness, receiving feedback, and also as part of cost-effective marketing.

A number of companies also use social media as a crisis management platform and a tool to intensify targeted advertising and strengthen search engine optimization (SEO) mechanisms.

Still regarding social media, Claudya also emphasized the importance for companies to have the right type of social media. He said that the choice of social media needs to be adjusted to the preferences of the target audience. For example, if the target audience prefers to use TikTok, then the company needs to focus attention on this social media.

Choosing the time or timing for presenting content on social media also needs to be considered. If the target audience is known to prefer opening social media in the afternoon, then content should be released during that time period.


Facing the World of Work

Apart from conveying knowledge about digital marketing, Claudya also shared tips with UPNVJ students who will face the world of work in the future. According to him, preparations can be made from now on during the lecture period.

"As a starting point, if you want to work after graduating, increase your experience, for example in organizations. This experience doesn't have to be work experience, but also in organizations," said Claudya.

Other experiences that can be expanded can also revolve around creating content on social media. Claudia called on students to create lots of positive content which could later add to their portfolio in preparation for the world of work.

Build your portfolio. If you have an internship opportunity, make the most of it. "That can be real proof that you have experience," said Claudia.

Finally, Claudia said that an academic degree is indeed an important thing that every student must pursue. However, he also emphasized that experience is also another element that is no less important when entering the world of work.

"Having good grades, a good thesis, is important. But real experience in an organization or internship is also very important," said Claudya.

Meanwhile, Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Dr. Fitria Ayuningtyas, M.Si, appreciated Claudya's willingness to attend as a guest lecturer in the field of digital marketing. He hopes that this kind of activity can continue in the future, by presenting a range of qualified and competent resource persons.

"Hopefully this guest lecture can provide new knowledge and insight. Hopefully the class of 2021 can follow in the footsteps of their seniors to bring the good name of UPN Veteran Jakarta to the international realm," said Fitria.

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