Inaugurating 1,675 Graduates, UPNVJ Chancellor Calls for Development of a Growth Mindset


Public RelationsUPNVJ - Jakarta "Veteran" National Development University held its 71st Graduation Ceremony for the 2022/2023 Academic Year at the Jakarta Convention Center on Tuesday, September 26 2023. In terms of numbers, this year's graduation was the largest in UPNVJ history.

The total number of graduates inaugurated reached 1,675, consisting of 280 graduates of the Diploma Three Program, 1,214 graduates of the Undergraduate Program, 55 graduates of the Master's Program, and 126 graduates of the Professional Program.

UPNVJ Chancellor Dr Anter Venus congratulated the graduates on their success in completing their studies. According to him, graduating from college is not an easy matter because it requires commitment, perseverance and seriousness.

Venus also congratulates parents/guardians who have educated their children well to this stage.

"Graduation activities are the final line of your struggle in studying at UPNVJ. But life is a long journey, where the finishing line you have reached is directly connected to a new starting point, namely the world of work or the next world of new experiences," said Venus.

Furthermore, in her message to graduates, Venus said that life after college is not always easy. A person on his journey often has to climb, and sometimes descend, or even have to go through winding roads.

Moreover, the world we live in is currently experiencing disruption, including technology. Changes in the digital era often occur very quickly, massively, unexpectedly, confusingly and are influenced by many factors that are difficult to control.

Venus exemplifies this disruption with the emergence of ChatGPT, a chat system that is intelligent and able to answer various questions asked systematically. According to Venus, we all don't need to avoid current technology like ChatGPT.


Technological Disruption

"However, the use of these tools means that we need to reconstruct existing learning practices. So that the learning goal of producing people who are able to reason, organize ideas and express the results of their thoughts in a structured and systematic manner, can still be achieved," he said.

In a world that is changing very quickly and massively, continued Venus, a lot of knowledge and skills are outdated and no longer relevant to today. For this reason, experts encourage people to develop lifelong learning behavior or life long learning through the LUR model. which is adapted from Alvin Toffler's concept which is short for Learn, Unlearn and Relearn.

Learn means seriousness in learning knowledge, skills and attitudes that meet the demands of current developments; Unlearn is the courage to discard knowledge/skills that are no longer relevant; and Re-learn means learning again in a new field or a field that we have mastered but has expired.

"This means that we need to continue to update our knowledge. We are required to develop a growth mindset, namely a mindset that views that the talents and abilities we have can always be developed further," said Venus.

Finally, Venus encouraged all graduates to prepare for a new life after college, by making the best use of the knowledge they have gained so far.

"Now is the time for all of you to look forward and dedicate yourselves to something that is valuable and useful for your own life, family, nation and state," concluded Venus.


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