Get to know each other, knit together, and collaborate with each other through capacity building programs

Public Relations UPNVJ – In a moment full of joy and a spirit of togetherness, the AKPK Bureau, Institutions, SPI, and UPT UPN "Veteran" Jakarta (UPNVJ), underwent the second day of Capacity Building activities (27/10). The event, which was held in Sampireun Village, Garut, West Java, was filled with lots of exciting games that could relieve fatigue for a moment and also bring employees closer to each other.

This second day of capacity increase brought in 121 employees from the work units mentioned above. University leaders also participated in enlivening the event which had been arranged in such a way. This event is a valuable moment for academic staff and university administration to build closer relationships and celebrate the diversity that exists on campus. Everyone blends together and creates an atmosphere full of joy.

The event started with an ice breaking guided by the Sampireun Village building team . This moment is used by team building to make participants more involved in the learning process or actively participate in various activities carried out today.


Then the event continued with a competition between teams. The competition begins with a sarong relay race where team members are given one sarong and it must be worn by three people at once and then passed to other team members when they reach the specified place.


The second competition is arranging glasses into a pyramid shape. Glasses are given in a relay from the front team member until they are received by the last member to be arranged.


The atmosphere became more exciting and lively when entering the third competition, namely the flour relay. Each team lines up backwards and the flour must be delivered from front to back using the palms of the hands. This competition invited laughter because many participants had flour sprinkled both on their clothes and on their faces.


The next game requires excellent concentration and teamwork. Capacity building participants are challenged to remove a pimping ball that is inserted into a pipe that has been given many holes. Each team must work together to close the holes so that the water does not come out and the pimping ball comes up.


Switching from the leaky pipe competition, participants are invited to catch eels that are spread on the ground. The rules are that each team member participates in catching eels and putting them in their team's bucket. Participants are no longer bothered by muddy ground and slimy eels. They focus on efforts to provide the best for their respective teams.


The next competition is a rowing competition. In Sampireun Village there is an artificial lake that can be passed by 4-5 canoes at once. This facility is used to improve the competitive spirit and teamwork through rowing competitions.


The competition closed with a pillow -pounding competition on the lake. This competition tests the balance and endurance of the competitors representing their teams. Even though each participant was required to throw a pillow at his opponent, no feelings of resentment emerged.


Through a series of competitions held, it can be concluded that all capacity building participants have an active role in activities that have been designed by the university. They were cooperative and seemed to enjoy all of today's activities.

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