Public Relations UPNVJ – In the long journey of UPN Veteran Jakarta, the implementation of capacity building programs has become one of the activities in increasing the capacity and performance of human resources (HR). Employees who always continue to innovate and provide the best for the agency.
Capacity building programs can increase collaboration between employees. Collaboration between various work units and individuals has increased significantly, creating a more harmonious and productive work atmosphere.
No less important, increasing capacity can also have a positive impact on cohesiveness between work units. Work units that work more synergistically, are able to overcome challenges together, and achieve better results.
Therefore, in the midst of increasing demands for increasing capacity and skills in various sectors, the AKPK Bureau, Institutions consisting of LP3M, LPPM, and also SPI as well as the Jakarta "Veteran" UPN Technical Implementation Unit (UPNVJ) held a Capacity Building which lasted for three days from 26-28 October 2023.
Carrying out capacity building shows UPNVJ's commitment to developing human resources for a more synergistic future. Taking place at Kampung Sampireun Resort & Spa, Garut, West Java, this activity carries the theme "Strengthening Human Resource Synergy and Commitment Towards Quality Change". As reported, the number of capacity increase participants was 121 people.
The increase in capacity is of course motivated by the achievements made by UPNVJ in the previous year. The achievement of Key Performance Indicators (KPI) in 2022 is known to reach 74.75, which places UPNVJ in the middle 70% position. This is the result of the hard work of all employees and their dedication to UPNVJ.
Through this activity, it can also be said that UPNVJ staff also receive rewards for utilizing their time filled with refreshing activities such as outbound and other fun games while receiving training to improve teamwork. The activities chosen refer to the principle of work life balance , "Our event today is to relieve fatigue. "The place chosen is good and suitable to support work life balance , balancing work and life." Said the Chancellor of UPNVJ, Dr. Anter Venus, MA. Comm in his opening remarks at the event which took place in the Meeting Room of Kampung Sampireun Resort & Spa.
On this occasion, Venus also expressed her appreciation to all participants for their dedication and hard work in moving, advancing and even transforming UPNVJ. After this event, Venus also hopes that all employees can continue to innovate, create new ideas, and contribute to making UPN Veteran Jakarta the best institution.
"I would like to invite all work units to continue to support the vision and mission of UPN Veteran Jakarta by working more synergistically and collaborating better. "Input and cooperation from each work unit is very meaningful in realizing our vision, and I hope that we can all together advance this institution to a higher level." Venus said.
After giving her speech, Venus officially opened the Capacity Building Activity. The activity continued with a friendly evening where the participants were given games that tested their concentration.