In the Spirit of Transformation, UPNVJ Faculty Leaders are Encouraged to Work Effectively and Efficiently


Public RelationsUPNVJ - In the spirit of transformation towards a superior university, the education and training series among faculty leaders at the Jakarta "Veteran" National Development University continues on Tuesday, October 31 2023.

As a continuation of the previous training, this session emphasized again the importance of understanding the main tasks and functions (tupoksi) among UPNVJ faculty leaders.

They are encouraged to fully understand their respective duties and functions, as well as identify various instruments to carry out various programs according to predetermined targets.

"Once they know each task and function, then link it to the targets and instruments. After that, they can create an operational calendar and start working," said Dr. Anter Venus, MA. Comm.

"This training was held in the context of transformation so that UPNVJ becomes superior. To achieve excellence, every element must work effectively and efficiently," he continued.

Replication of Faculty Excellence

Venus emphasized that faculty leaders cannot work alone, but must work in a spirit of collaboration. Each faculty at UPNVJ has its own advantages and uniqueness, and the good things can be used as models for shared use.

For example, Venus said that the Faculty of Computer Science (FIK) has an advantage in international seminars because it is indexed by Scopus. For case or problem-based learning, he said that the Faculty of Medicine could be used as an example.

Another example, Venus said that the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) and the Faculty of Health Sciences (FIKES) are superior in competitions related to student achievement, while the Faculty of Engineering (FT) is in the realm of patents and innovation.

"Each faculty has its advantages, and we must use that as a model to be replicated to all," said Venus.

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