Public Relations UPNVJ - On Wednesday and Thursday, 26-27 July 2023, community service activities were carried out by the PKM-PM UPN "Veteran" Jakarta team which were held at SMA Muhammadiyah 4 Depok from 07.30 to 12.20 WIB. The theme of this community service activity is " Establishment of a Comprehensive Sexuality Education Interactive Discussion Group as an Effort to Prevent Sexual Violence among Adolescents at SMA Muhammadiyah 4 Depok ". The aim of this community service activity is to increase the understanding and skills of teenagers in recognizing forms of sexual violence and preventing the occurrence of sexual violence against teenagers, so that it is hoped that it will also be able to reduce the number of incidents of sexual violence against teenagers at SMA Muhammadiyah 4 Depok. The target of this activity is all class 10 students and members of the class 11 IPM organization at SMA Muhammadiyah 4 Depok with around 120 participants attending. This community service activity was carried out by the PKM-PM team which is an active student of the Public Health Study Program of the UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Undergraduate Program, chaired by Febilla Dwinanda Riyanti supported by members Shaulla Chairunnisa, Nahda Fini Shabriyyah, Fathiyah Rahmah, and Yulanda Tantra Zaharani, as well as through the guidance of Chahya Kharin Herbawani as a lecturer in the Public Health Study Program at the UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Undergraduate Program. A series of community service activities were carried out for 2 days.
Activities on the first day began with provision of peer tutors and registration of participants, opening by the MC, singing the song Indonesia Raya, giving a speech from the Chief Executive, namely Febilla Dwinanda Riyanti and the Principal, Mr. Hariyanto Sutan Kamil, and continued with completing the pre- test . The next series of activities is the delivery of the first material related to reproductive health using information media and visual aids, namely reproductive organ vests to make it easier for participants to understand the function of reproductive organs based on their location. After that, it continued with familiarization from school, namely the Dhuha prayer activity as well as time for participants to rest. Furthermore, the delivery of second material related to sexual violence was assisted by information media to make it easier for participants to receive information. The next series is an ice breaking session and continues with group division for Focus Group Discussion (FGD), role playing and quiz activities which will be held on the second day. After that, a group photo session was held and closing of the first day's activities by the MC.
Activities on the second day began with participant registration, opening by the MC, and singing the song Indonesia Raya. The next series of activities was a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) by carrying out case discussion activities regarding different forms of sexual violence for each group and dividing roles to prepare for role playing activities , as well as continuing with role playing performances from each group. After that, it continued with familiarization from school, namely the Dhuha prayer activity as well as time for participants to rest. Next, there was a quiz competition about sexual violence which was participated very enthusiastically by representatives of each group. The next series was the distribution of prizes to the winners in the ice breaking and quiz sessions, then continued with completing the post-test . After that, there was a session to symbolically hand over sexual violence task force sashes to participant representatives, giving mementos, guidebooks and posters to SMA Muhammadiyah 4 Depok. Then, the final activity continued, namely group photos and closing of the second day's activities by the MC.
Author: PKM-PM Team, Public Health Study Program, UPNVJ Undergraduate Program