Public Relations UPNVJ - The first day of the Workshop on Education and Training for Faculty Leaders at the National Development University "Veteran" Jakarta emphasized the roles and main duties and functions (tupoksi) of each faculty leader. This workshop is considered important so that they all truly understand their respective duties and functions according to the applicable rules and regulations.
Taking place at the Gran Mahakam Hotel on Friday, 13 October 2023, the first day of the workshop presented Tatang Muttaqin, S.Sos., M.Ed., Ph.D as an expert resource person from the Ministry of Education and Culture. He was present to provide a general explanation regarding the direction and policies related to the duties of faculty leadership at a university.
"So we want to know first what the direction is nationally, then after that it will be translated into UPNVJ and presented to each faculty with interactive discussions based on problem base learning, so that cognitive, affective and psychomotor are all used in this training," said the Chief Executive UPNVJ Faculty Leadership Workshop, Prof. Dr. A. Heri Iswanto, SKM, MARS.
To further strengthen understanding of main tasks and functions, the workshop activities also presented interactive games at the final session. In this game, participants are 'forced' to read Chancellor's Regulation Number 17 concerning the main duties and functions of leaders in faculties.
The participants were then asked to write the contents of the rules on origami paper, and then checked whether they were as stated or not. "If not, it means the person concerned is not reading," said Prof Heri.
He said this game also aims to see whether faculty leaders have been doing things according to the rules and regulations.
Apart from the main duties and functions, continued Prof. Heri, this interactive game also aims to get faculty leaders used to not only relying on words when working, but also getting used to writing so that there is authentic evidence.
"So you can't just ask for your opinion and say something that you can't hold onto. Now we are getting used to writing everything," said Prof Heri.
Finally, Prof. Heri said that the main "take away" from the workshop on the first day was an in-depth understanding of the main duties and functions of each leadership position according to their echelon level, whether at the level of Dean, Head of Study Program, Head of Department, or Deputy Dean.