Growth Mindset and Concrete Action Plan for UPNVJ Faculty Leaders

Public RelationsUPNVJ - Growth mindset and action plans were the two main focuses in the second day's workshop for faculty leaders at the Jakarta "Veteran" National Development University on Saturday, October 14 2023.

According to the Chief Executive of the UPNVJ Faculty Leadership Workshop, Prof. Dr. A. Heri Iswanto, SKM, MARS, both of which are important things for every faculty leader to have in an effort to develop their potential and advance the university.

Prof. Heri emphasized that the thing that differentiates between effective and less effective leaders is the application of mindset.

"We want to instill a growth mindset that grows and is not fixed. It could be that the resources are the same, the potential is the same, but if the mindset is different, (the results) can be different," he said.


As on the first day of the workshop, the provision of material and understanding of growth mindset was packaged in an interactive game. Prof. Heri admitted that he was happy to see the progress of the game, where it was seen that there was competition between participants like a real situation in the real world.

Through this game, UPNVJ faculty leaders are encouraged to write real and concrete action plans in a logical framework and not up in the air.

"That way, we all know whether it is logical or not, whether it can be achieved or not. Everything is defined through various activities, with clear outputs and goals, which are then put into a logical framework," said Prof Heri.

He said that this leadership workshop would be a kind of series and be held every week. According to him, leadership material must be given regularly and consistently so that knowledge does not evaporate.

If according to plan, the material will be delivered every week for three hours until the end of this year.

"We want to fly straight away in 2024, that's why (the provision of materials) will be spent in 2023. In 2024 we have to take off," said Prof Heri.

When all the material has been provided, it is hoped that UPNVJ faculty leaders will have a realistic vision, mission and goals. Apart from that, they are also expected to know how to realize the vision and mission.

"Various activities must be considered by all stakeholders, not just deans, deputy deans or heads of study programs, for example, but all lines," concluded Prof Heri.

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