Public Relations UPNVJ - UPN Veteran Jakarta New Student Admissions in 2023 have reached the final stage with the closing of the penmaru series with the implementation of the 2023 Introduction to New Student Campus Life (PKKMB) which took place lively at Tennis Indoor Senayan, last August.
Not even a few months later, UPNVJ Public Relations has been invited back by several schools this October, one of which is Al-Azhar Islamic High School 4 Bekasi. (3/10)
Disa Prihantini together with Anisa Triselia, Cindy Octaviani and Reyhan Mahendra explained to all class 12 students of Al-Azhar Islamic High School 4 regarding the information in UPNVJ.
As in previous socializations, UPNVJ Public Relations explained many things, starting from information on new student admission routes which include SNBP (National Selection Based on Achievement), SNBT-UTBK (National Selection Based on Computer-Based Tests) and SEMA (Independent Selection) , Single Tuition Fee (UKT), Institutional Development Contribution (SPI), Faculties and Study Programs, as well as facilities and infrastructure available at UPNVJ.
Kaisa, one of the students, looked enthusiastic in asking questions. She asked several things related to her confusion in choosing between private and state campuses.
Disa said that there is no significant difference between studying at a state or private campus, "both state and private campuses are good, there is nothing that is not good. The most important thing is that we know what major we want to take later. "Wherever we study, if we are able to become diamonds in it, it is much better than studying in the best place but not producing any work," he explained.
The 12th grade students of Al-Azhar Islamic High School 4 Bekasi were very enthusiastic as seen from the various questions asked and their enthusiasm in answering the quiz given by UPNVJ public relations.
Not only were 12th grade students present, but they were also joined by several parents and teachers from Al-Azhar 4 Bekasi Islamic High School.