Dr. Henry Binsar Hamonangan Sitorus, Officially Becomes Deputy Chancellor for Academic Affairs for the 2023-2026 Period


Public RelationsUPNVJ - Wednesday, November 1 2023, the Chancellor of UPN "Veteran" Jakarta (UPNVJ) officially inaugurated Dr. Henry Binsar Hamonangan Sitorus, ST, MT with the position of Deputy Chancellor for Academic Affairs for the 2023-2026 period.

"The task of the academic field is our shared obligation, the academic field is a tridharma field where currently our learning methods are research-based, we can emulate several foreign education curricula and governance which can be our benchmark. This can be a joint commitment to renewing governance and "quality of education," said Anter Venus, Chancellor of UPNVJ in his speech at the Bhinneka Tunggal Ika Auditorium, on Wednesday (1/11/23).

Apart from that, Venus also said that there are several important aspects to focus on, one of which is digital disruption.

"We have a projection that the number of our students will increase, of course there are adaptations that we have to make quickly, one of the supports from the Ministry of Education and Culture is the existence of the Independent Campus Learning (MBKM) program which can change our previous learning practices," he explained.

"I hope that we can all continue to renew and focus ourselves according to the education that has now become our background. "Human resources and academic infrastructure are a shared responsibility and currently there are always updates, one of which is library facilities which always provide new innovations," he added.


On her occasion, Venus also advised the teachers to always build a lively class atmosphere with the latest methods and not forget to always implement National Defense which is the identity of the UPNVJ campus.

"Don't forget our identity as a National Defense Campus which must be emphasized and innovated with implementation according to current developments."

After the inauguration, on this special day Henry was accompanied by his beloved wife and children in his speech expressing his gratitude for his new trust in carrying out his new duties as Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs.

"Honestly, this is a big and not easy task that has been entrusted to me. Previously, I had only been appointed as Dean of the Faculty of Engineering for some time, where currently all programs are running which so far are still under my responsibility. "So with this new confidence, I have prepared myself to carry out my previous duties and also my new duties as Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs"


"I am sure that with a united working system, the energy that will be released will be stronger so that I will not carry out this task alone, but with support from all parties, I am sure that I can carry it out optimally," said Henry.

As an encouragement and life companion, Ida Susiati, Henry's wife, who currently also works as an Indonesian National Army Air Force (TNI AU), on this occasion also hopes and prays that her beloved husband can carry out and carry out his duties as well as possible.

"It is my hope and prayer that my husband can carry out his duties well and be given good health so that he can continue to carry out his duties to the maximum. I would also like to thank the university leadership for trusting my husband with his new assignment."


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