Public Relations UPNVJ - Proud news comes from the Student Activity Unit (UKM) of the Jakarta "Veteran" Band National Development University (UBV) because it has won Favorite Champion at the Kharisma Brawijaya Music Festival which was held on October 28 2023 at Brawijaya University Malang.
The event with the theme Strengthening National Character through Developing Talent Interests in the Field of Arts and Culture is a national competition that has been running for 24 years and is also an event that creates musicians from various generations and backgrounds.
"Initially, UBV received an invitation from Brawijaya University to take part in a national level band competition to represent the province of DKI Jakarta. "Then because it is in accordance with the UBV work program this year where we want to develop the achievements of UBV children in the field of music, we sent a band which we then proposed to campus and funded the trip there," said Dhafirhumam Rakyantosa Baresi Rossi, who is familiarly called Raky, who is also a Chairman of UBV.
“In the competition, we were the 8th performer out of 9 participants. There we were judged by the jury, namely Gilang Ramadhan from Krakatau, and Trie Utami. There are several categories of winners, namely 1st, 2nd and 3rd place as well as hope (based on value), favorite winner (based on vote) and best player winner for each instrument. "Thank God, our band won Favorite Champion," said Raky
"I hope that in the future UBV and UPNVJ can continue to make achievements in all fields, and can make the nation and state proud," he hoped.
UBV itself sent 5 students consisting of Dhafirhumam Rakyantosa Baresi Rossi, a student, Ardella Malinda Sarastri, and Nathaniel Ignatius who are students from the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences and Araia Handaru BD, a student from the Faculty of Computer Science.