Public Relations UPNVJ - The Faculty of Economics and Business, UPN "Veteran" Jakarta successfully held an International Seminar on The 3rd Jakarta Economic Sustainability International Conference Agenda (3rd JESICA 2023). This activity was held for two days on 14-15 November 2023 at the Dr. Auditorium. Wahidin Sudirohusodo UPNVJ.
Carrying the theme "Transformation Towards an Innovative Sustainable Economy," this seminar is considered relevant to current conditions.
"This theme is very relevant because it is marked by various significant changes, including in the fields of technological progress, climate change, resource depletion, social inequality and economic uncertainty," said the Dean of FEB UPNVJ, Dr. Jubaedah, SE, MM in his speech.
In line with the theme, UPNVJ Chancellor Dr. Anter Venus, MA, Comm said that the role of all levels of government, business and society is needed to support the balance between economic growth and environmental preservation as a global community.
"The government, business world and individuals must work together to prioritize environmental health in the long term while still encouraging economic growth," said Venus.
"With strategic planning and a collective commitment to change, we can create a sustainable future for future generations," he continued.
This international seminar activity invited several speakers from various countries. On the first day, the resource persons presented interesting topics which were presented directly in this activity, including:
- Fachru Nofrian, Ph.D as Permanent Lecturer at the Faculty of Economics and Business, National Development University "Veteran" Jakarta, Indonesia who delivered material on "Industrialization and Challenges of Sustainability"
- Dr. Tan Eng Joo from Singapore University of Social Sciences, Singapore delivered material on "Sustainability Developments in Singapore"
- Prof. Surajit Mazumdar from Jawaharlal Nehru University, India delivered material on "The Crisis of Globalization and Sustainability"
After the seminar activities, the event continued with the Call for Papers which was held in the afternoon. On the first day, the Call for Papers was attended by eight speakers from various higher education institutions, including UPN "Veteran" Jakarta, Trunojoyo University Madura, Muhammadiyah University Malang, Pembangunan Jaya University, and Jambi University.