HumamsUPNVJ – Batch 4 students of the UPN "Veteran" Jakarta (UPNVJ) Independent Student Exchange program have held the 2nd week of the Nusantara Module class.
On this agenda, group 1, named Dwipantara, with a total of 24 members, enlivened the Nusantara module by playing traditional Betawi games and several contemporary games (02/03).
Located at UPNVJ Campus 2, Limo, Depok, students and accompanying lecturers have gathered since 09.00 WIB. They were divided into four groups to compete with each other in games that had been designed by the accompanying lecturer.
The game starts with Gobak Sodor which takes approximately 90 minutes. In an open field in the middle of the Limo Campus, the Dwipantara group laughed cheerfully while trying to catch their opponents, making this game a perfect way to strengthen teamwork and improve their social skills while relieving stress.
The game itself is quite simple. Each team must mobilize energy and develop a strategy to avoid the opposing group tasked with guarding the line. Vice versa, the group tasked with guarding the line must try to touch the opposing group to complete its mission.
After Gobak Sodor was finished, PMM 4 UPNVJ students continued with contemporary games such as tic tac toe, inserting rubber bands, and fortification. The Nusantara Module class for the Dwipantara group was so exciting that it didn't even feel like it was 16.00 WIB, which meant that the activity was over.
Through the Nusantara Module agenda which is packaged in a fun way, it is hoped that the cooperation that exists during the match will make the bond between them stronger so that chemistry can be built between group members. (sf)