Supporting the Development of a Circular Economy, UPNVJ Emphasizes the Importance of Recycling

Public RelationsUPNVJ - The development of the circular economy in Indonesia has progressed in recent years. Various stakeholders are starting to realize the benefits and positive impacts of this economic model.

Jakarta "Veteran" National Development University as one of the leading educational institutions in the country also supports the development of a circular economy.

Based on information on the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) website, a circular economy refers to an economic system or model that aims to generate economic growth by maintaining the value of products, materials and resources in the economy for as long as possible, thereby minimizing social and environmental damage caused by linear economic model.

"To support a circular economy, the role of recycling is very important," said Lead Consultant for the UPNVJ Recycled Material Content Policy Recommendations Study, Dr. Dianwicaksih Arieftiara, SE., Ak., M. Ak., CA., CSRS., GRCE in the Plastic Recycled Material Content Workshop at the Grand Sahid Jaya Hotel Jakarta, Tuesday, March 26 2024.

Dian mentioned three main benefits of recycled content in the context of circular economy development. First, reducing the use of natural resources and carbon emissions.

Second, energy efficiency and innovation. "And the third point is job creation and contributing to improving the global economy," said Dian.


To develop this recycled content, there are several strategies that relevant stakeholders can implement.

The initial step is to conduct a value chain analysis and identify recycling opportunities. Supply chain identification needs to be carried out to identify problems in the recycling chain in order to create a strong recycling ecosystem, such as eliminating unnecessary processes, strengthening weak chains, starting from the process of collecting plastic waste from collectors, sorting, processing processes. recycled by the recycling industry, until it returns to recycled material (if PET is PET/rPET resin) to be used by the manufacturer (brand owner) to make new products.

The next phase is the development of recycling infrastructure and technology. Without adequate infrastructure, the recycling process will be hampered and difficult to develop.

This series of strategies needs to involve various stakeholders, including UPNVJ as an educational institution whose role is to educate the public about the importance of proper waste sorting, recycling and the benefits of a circular economy.

“There needs to be a partnership between industry, government and research institutions. "Supporting incentive and regulatory policies are also needed," said Dian.

“When we talk about recycled content and the circular economy, we usually refer to the redesign of the production process. "The point is how the products produced will be easy to recycle," he concluded.

Lastly, supportive incentive and regulatory policies are needed, such as fiscal policy in the form of tax reductions and other incentives, especially for producers who apply recycled content to their products, because recycled material is of course more expensive than new plastic. (*wit/PRUPNVJ)

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