UPNVJ Pharmacy is included in the 10 most rigorous study programs in SNBP 2024

Public Relations UPNVJ - Jakarta "Veteran" National Development University (UPNVJ) is again included in the 10 most rigorous undergraduate study programs in the 2024 National Achievement Based Selection (SNBP).

This is known based on the results of the SNBP announcement press conference which was held live via the SNPMB BPPP Youtube channel last Tuesday, March 26 2024.

It is noted that the UPNVJ Pharmacy study program is the most rigorous along with a number of other state universities. Based on this data, the Pharmacy study program has a strictness of 1.49 percent.

"We need to be grateful for this. From year to year the Pharmacy Study Program continues to be the most rigorous study program in Indonesia. This shows that the quality of the students who enter is also very good," said UPNVJ Chancellor Dr. Anter Venus, MA.Comm when met in Jakarta on Wednesday, March 27 2024.

He also said that UPNVJ continues to strive to provide the best quality education to all its students.

"We continue to strive to provide the best education for them, through the latest curriculum, qualified lecturers, complete and sophisticated learning facilities, and interesting learning methods," said Venus.

"In principle, we strive to provide memorable learning experiences to build their competencies," he added.

After the 2024 SNBP announcement was officially made last Tuesday, prospective new students who have been declared qualified at UPNVJ can immediately re-register or fill in their identity on the page https://uktmaba.upnvj.ac.id/.

Meanwhile, to see the full provisions, you can see the page https://penmaru.upnvj.ac.id/id/jalur-nasional/2024/03/besar-penerimaan-mahasiswa-baru-program-s1-dan-program-d3- national-selection-results-based-on-achievement-upn-veteran-jakarta-year-2024.html

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