Public RelationsUPNVJ - Friendship in Islam has a very deep meaning. This is a concept that emphasizes the importance of having good relationships with fellow humans. Rasulullah SAW has given many teachings about the importance of friendship, even in the hadith he stated that maintaining friendship can prolong life and bring abundant fortune. Friendship includes visits, greetings, and also caring for each other. In the context of halal bihalal, gatherings are an opportunity to strengthen social relations and strengthen feelings of brotherhood among community members. The halal bihalal tradition is part of the cultural and religious heritage that is very valuable for Indonesian people. Maintaining this tradition is an effort to strengthen cultural and religious identity and preserve the noble values that have been received from our ancestors. By maintaining the halal bihalal tradition, we also help maintain the nation's cultural riches and respect the legacy left by our predecessors.
In line with this, to warmly welcome the first day of work, the UPN "Veteran" Jakarta academic community carried out Halal Bihalal. (16/4)
Anter Venus, Chancellor of UPNVJ, in his speech conveyed the importance of building relationships and forgiving each other, especially in the work environment, "Forgiving each other is one of the main teachings in Islam. Rasulullah SAW actively promoted forgiveness and peace with fellow humans. Forgiveness is a noble act that creates peace in the heart and society. This also reflects awareness of the greatness of Allah SWT who always forgives His servants. "In the context of halal bihalal, this moment is the right time to forgive mistakes and errors that may have occurred between family or community members," explained Venus.
“Halal bihlalal is also to maintain good social relations which is the foundation of a harmonious and sustainable society. Maintaining social relationships not only includes positive interactions between individuals, but also caring for each other, helping others, and paying attention to the needs of others. In Islam, maintaining social relations is a part of worship that is as important as other ritual worship. "In halal bihalal, this moment is an opportunity to strengthen social relations and strengthen ties between community members," he continued
UPNVJ also presents KH. Syahrul Ramadhan, S.Ag.MM as Chair of the Indonesian Da'i Preneur Foundation, Preacher of the Ku Indonesia Peace Program on TV One and Preacher of the Cahaya Hati Program on iNews TV to appear directly at UPNVJ to provide tausiyah to UPNVJ employees. (*s)