West SMM-PTN 2024 Running Smoothly at UPNVJ!

Public Relations UPNVJ - SMM PTN-BARAT 2024 is an independent selection of prospective new students whose implementation is carried out jointly between state universities that are members of the BKS-PTN Indonesia Western Region. The selection process is based on the results of the computer-based written exam (UTBK) which is carried out jointly under the coordination of the PTN-BARAT SMM committee. ( https://smmptnbarat.id/information )

Jakarta "Veteran" National Development University (UPNVJ) is one of the implementers of the 2024 Independent Selection for Western Region State Universities along with 24 other PTNs, including Syiah Kuala University, Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University, Bengkulu University, Jambi University, Padangpanjang Indonesian Art Institute , Palangka Raya University, Malikussaleh University, Raja Ali Haji Maritime University, Bangka Belitung University, Teuku Umar University, Sumatra Institute of Technology, Aceh Indonesian Institute of Arts and Culture, Samudra University, Riau University, Siliwangi University, North Sumatra University, Andalas University, Islamic University Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau State, Mahmud Yunus Batusangkar State Islamic University, Syahada Padangsidempuan State Islamic University, Bandung Indonesian Institute of Arts and Culture, Singaperbangsa University Karawang, UIN Imam Bonjol Padang and Padang State University.

UPNVJ held SMM-PTN Barat from 02 July 2024 to 05 July 2024. The number of sessions provided was 8 sessions with a total of 940 participants.

UPNVJ Public Relations had the opportunity to conduct an interview with UPNVJ Penmaru Coordinator, Fajar Nugroho. From the results of the interview received by Public Relations, Fajar said that the implementation of West SMM-PTN carried out by UPNVJ went smoothly without any significant obstacles, "Thank God there were no technical problems that occurred in the implementation of West SMM-PTN this year. We as a committee were initially just afraid that the schedule for admitting new students between SMM PTN Barat and Mandiri Selection would clash, but thank God that wasn't the case at all, everything went smoothly. "We also involve many teams starting from the Field Person in Charge, Supervisor, Cleaning Officer, Security Officer, Secretariat and also the Public Relations team so everything is safely under control," explained Fajar in detail to the Public Relations team.

"We hope that the 2024 West SMM-PTN participants who take the exam at UPNVJ will feel facilitated and well served and hopefully get the best results," concluded Fajar

The UPNVJ West SMM-PTN implementation was carried out at the UPNVJ Pondok Labu Campus by providing 120 computers divided into 3 classrooms.


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