Public RelationsUPNVJ - Higher education in Indonesia continues to develop rapidly, especially in the western region of Indonesia. In order to increase the competitiveness of vocational and postgraduate program graduates, optimal lecturer management and a curriculum that is relevant and adaptive to changing times is needed. In the era of globalization and industrial revolution 4.0, the link between vocational education and the needs of the business and industrial worlds is becoming increasingly crucial. Vocational education is required to be able to produce graduates who are work-ready, adaptive, and have competencies in accordance with job market demands. Therefore, lecturer management and vocational education curricula need to continue to be improved and aligned with the needs of the business and industrial world. This symposium was held to bring together various stakeholders to discuss and find the best solutions for improving the quality of vocational education.
The issuance of Minister of Education and Culture Regulation Number 53 of 2023 concerning Quality Assurance in Higher Education provides new direction for the development of quality and competency-based curricula, the specific provisions are changes to credits and final assignment provisions in Masters and Doctoral programs that need special attention by the Postgraduate Study Program management. By giving responsibility to UPN "Veteran" Jakarta as the organizer, UPNVJ invited the Director General of Vocational Studies, Ministry of Education and Culture, Research and Technology as Keynote Speaker, the West PTN BKS Postgraduate Forum Team, Chancellor of UPN "Veteran" Jakarta, Chancellor of Syiah Kuala University, Chancellor of Bangka University Belitung, and the Chancellor of UIN Sultan Syarif Kasim. This symposium discusses important issues related to lecturer management and postgraduate education curriculum, with a focus on increasing competency, ease of access for practicing lecturers, as well as lecturer career development.
Activities took place in a hybrid manner, online via the zoom platform and offline at the Aston Tb Hotel. Simatupang, South Jakarta, which was attended by 81 participants with a total of 29 PTNs. (11/7)