UPNVJ Together with UBL and STAN Discuss Political Rights of People with Disabilities in FGD Semarang

HumasUPNVJ - The 2024 Ministry of Education and Culture DRTPM Grant Research Team consisting of the Faculty of Law, National Development University "Veteran" Jakarta, Budi Luhur University, and the State Finance Polytechnic STAN, conducted a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) activity in Semarang City, Central Java on August 30, 2024.

Themed “Renewal of General Election Regulations: Design of Obligations of Election Organizers and Participants in Fulfilling the Political Rights of Persons with Disabilities,” this activity took place at Delman Resto, Semarang City, attended by several representatives from several agencies and organizations for persons with disabilities.

Representatives who attended this activity were the Chairman of the Association of Indonesian Disabled People (PPDI) of Semarang City Yanto Basuki; Chairman of PPDI Central Java Sugeng; Head of Domestic Politics Division of the National Unity and Politics Agency of Semarang City Suparman, SH, MH; Coordinator of the Division of Handling Violations, Data and Information of the Election Supervisory Agency of Semarang City V. Silvania Susanti; Riko as a representative of the Central Java Kemenkumham Regional Office, and Nandi as a representative of the Semarang City Regional Revenue Agency.

The activity was opened with remarks from the Head of the UPNVJ FH Research Team, namely Taupiqqurrahman, SH, M.Kn. The event was continued with the presentation of the material "Elections and Political Dynamics Fulfilling the Rights of Persons with Disabilities" with resource person Dr. Umaimah Wahid, M.Sc. as a member of the research team and Lecturer at the Faculty of Communication and Creative Design, Budi Luhur University.

In her presentation, Dr. Umaimah said that the political rights of people with disabilities are rights that have been protected by international and national law. In Law Number 8 of 2016, people with disabilities have political rights, namely the right to vote and be elected.

However, in fact there are still some political rights of people with disabilities that have not been fulfilled by election organizers or participants. There needs to be inclusivity for people with disabilities in obtaining their political rights in the election arena.

The activity continued with a discussion session. The research team and participants exchanged ideas to find solutions and inputs that could be useful for fulfilling the political rights of people with disabilities.

The Semarang City National Unity and Politics Agency stated that the Semarang City Baksebangpol in collaboration with the Semarang City KPU and Semarang City Bawaslu has provided political education for people with disabilities and the general public.

In addition, Bakesbangpol Semarang City also provides financial assistance to political parties, where the assistance is also allocated for the implementation of political education.

Meanwhile, representatives from the Central Java PPDI emphasized the need to provide accessible polling stations for people with disabilities, so that they can easily cast their votes during the election.

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