Accounting Technician Profession Seminar, Accounting Study Program Association Faculty of Economics and Business UPN "Veteran Jakarta

Accounting Technician Profession Seminar, Accounting Study Program Association, Faculty of Economics and Business

UPN "Veteran Jakarta

Tuesday, 21 November 2017 | 10.35

On this day students of the Faculty of Economics and Business held an Accounting Engineering Profession Seminar with the theme "The Role and Challenges of the Accounting Profession in the Future" (21/11). This event began with remarks from Dr. Prasetyo Hadi, SE. MM. CFMP as Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business. In his remarks he said that with this seminar students could understand more about the accounting profession with all the changes that will occur in the future.

Activities carried out by the Faculty of Economics Accounting Program Association ha.jpg mi and Business, presenting speakers from the Director of the Institute for Engineering and Accounting Professional Certification, namely Dr. Murtanto, SE. MSc. Ak. CA and Sandra Aulia Zanny, SE.Ak. MS, Ak, CA, CPA as head of the Vocational Program Accounting Study Program at the University of Indonesia.

On this occasion, the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business also said that it is hoped that the seminar, which will be held with speakers who are experts in this field, will benefit the students and lecturers who attend. The discussion presented can be a provision for the Accounting Profession in carrying out its duties and functions to the fullest extent possible in the future.



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