EXPO IdeaNation 2017

EXPO IdeaNation 2017

Wednesday, 22 November 2017 | 11.35

The International Relations Student Association of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences held the EXPO Ideanation 2017 with the theme "Equal Rights For Persons With Disabilities" in the Lobby of Gedung Moh. Yamin UPN "Veteran" Jakarta (22/11). This activity is aimed at the wider community, especially UPNVJ FISIP students to be able to know more about disability issues.

The event began with remarks from Asep Kamaluddin S.Ag, M.Si as Chair of the International Relations study program. In his remarks he said that this activity was a source of pride for him because International Relations students are aware of disability issues. He hopes that with this talk show, young people can appreciate and no longer discriminate against persons with disabilities because they have the right to receive equal treatment.


The form of this activity is a talk show with athletes with disabilities who excel in the Asian Paralympic Games, a series of the Asian Games for people with disabilities. The speakers present at the talkshow this time are Doctor Bayu Rahadia S.PKJ as Secretary General of the Indonesia Asian Paragames organization committee, Mr. Amran Siregar from the Indonesia Paragames organization committee. Also present as speakers were Komet Akbar and Jason Jourly as representatives of Indonesian table tennis athletes who have often made Indonesia proud on the international stage. In addition, there is Cinta Maulida as Chair of the Nusantara Youth Foundation.

There were 44 participants who attended this event and were supported by anakmuda.net, INAPGOC, and the NPC (National Paralympic Committee) along with the academic community of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences. (Anisa's report)

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