National Seminar on Accounting "The Influence of Good Government Governance on BPK RI Opinion in Ministries in Indonesia"

National Seminar on Accounting "The Influence of Good Government Governance on BPK RI Opinion in Ministries in Indonesia"

Last Tuesday, November 14, the Faculty of Economics, Undergraduate Accounting Study Program, held a National Seminar on Accounting with the theme "The Influence of Good Government Governance on BPK RI Opinions of Ministries in Indonesia" in the Rectorate building, Bhineka Tunggal Ika Auditorium. This event began by singing the songs Indonesia Raya and Mars Bela Negara UPNVJ together and continued with a stunning performance from the UKM choir. Participants who attended totaled 290 people from internal UPN "Veteran" Jakarta and 20 external participants from 10 universities. The universities attending the seminar were the University of Indonesia, Pamulang University, Trisakti University, Bina Sarana Informatika, Jakarta State Polytechnic, Jakarta State University, Brawijaya University Malang, LP3I Cibinong, and Swadharma Polytechnic.


The remarks at this event were made by the Deputy Chancellor for Finance and General Affairs Dr. Erna Hernawati, AK, CPMA, CA in her remarks, she expressed her gratitude to the Faculty of Economics Student Association for organizing this seminar, by inviting the Republic of Indonesia Financial Audit Agency (BPK RI). He also expressed his hope that the BPK RI's arrival would provide a lot of guidance. Thus, all UPNVJ employees and students receive information related to financial management which will eventually lead to BPK RI's opinion. He hoped that the things presented in the seminar could provide many benefits to students in the future.

The seminar, which was carried out by the UPN "Veteran" Faculty of Economics, invited speakers from the Indonesian Financial Audit Agency, namely Dr. Drs. Mahendro Sumardjo, MM, QIA Chief Inspector of the Indonesian BPK Financial Audit Agency. Furthermore, they also invited Kasminto, AK, MBA, CA, CFr.A, as the Minister's Expert Staff for the Internal Audit Capability Model of the Ministry of Energy and HR and Firmansyah N. Nazaroedin Ak, MSc, as Director of Accounting and Financial Reporting, Director General of Treasury, Ministry of Finance.

Dewi Oktaviani as the chief executive conveyed her hopes from this seminar, that with the implementation of this seminar, the participants who attended it could understand how the Republic of Indonesia BPK works in auditing the Ministries. Participants can also understand how the influence of Good Government Governance in the Ministry and also provide information about the stages used by the ministry in achieving Unqualified Opinion. (Anisa's report)

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