Graduation at the Beginning of 2018 UPN "Veteran" Jakarta

wisuda_60.JPG JAKARTA – The 60th Graduation Ceremony of UPN "Veteran" Jakarta is the first graduation in 2018 for the Diploma Program (D3), Undergraduate Program (S1), Undergraduate Program (S2), and Professional Program. The graduation session was held at the Jakarta Convention Center, Senayan, South Jakarta on Saturday (03/03/18). The 60th graduation this year has the theme "Creating a Higher Education with Global Competitiveness and National Defense Identity through PIKIR Cultural Values (an acronym for: Professional, Integrity, Struggle, Innovative and Responsive)". PIKIR, is a new set of values and culture at UPN Veteran Jakarta which is used as a spirit to achieve the vision and mission of UPN Veteran Jakarta that has been set.

The total number of graduates at the 60th Graduation is 566 graduates consisting of 18 Diploma Program graduates (D3), 404 Undergraduate Program graduates (S1), 30 Undergraduate Program graduates (S2), and 92 Professional Program graduates.

Prof. Dr. Paulina Pannen, M.Ls in delivering her speech

In this 60th Graduation Academic Speech was delivered by the Deputy Chancellor for Academic Affairs of UPN "Veteran" Jakarta, Prof. Dr. Moeljadi, SE, SU, M.Sc in his speech, the Deputy Chancellor for Academic Affairs conveyed that for graduates to become UPN Veteran Jakarta and UPN Veteran alumni associations, alumni should be able to support the UPNVJ program, namely Tracer Study Alumni by filling in data on the tracer.upnvj page . This filling is none other than UPNVJ's effort to find out the relevance of the graduate/alumni profession to the world of work, namely the suitability between the curriculum, the educational process and the reality of the need for skilled and competent personnel in industry. He also conveyed about multimedia and e-learning based learning systems, and developed research-based science and technology. This mission was created so that UPN Veteran Jakarta can have global competitiveness and maintain the identity of Defending the Country

wisuda_60_(3).JPG The 60th graduation was also attended by Prof. Dr. Paulina Pannen, M.Ls (Kemenristekdikti Academic Staff). In this Graduation, the Chancellor of UPNVJ gave an award to the best graduate, namely a graduate named Herviyani Risky Chairunissa from the Bachelor of International Relations Study Program, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences with a Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.98. And Master of Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, on behalf of Nandang Sunandar GPA 3.98. In the Diploma 3 Program, the highest GPA of 3.67 was won by Syara Devi Novianti from the D3 Finance and Banking Program, Faculty of Economics and Business. Professional Program The highest GPA of 3.85 was won by Winda Meyrisa from the Doctor Profession study program.

The 60th graduation ceremony can be said to be quite special compared to the previous sessions, because specifically this session ended with a special musical presentation in which the Chancellor of UPNVJ accompanied the song on this occasion. Several graduates also enlivened the musical performance presented by the Chancellor and UPNVJ lecturers.


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