National Nutrition Summit seminars

Jakarta - Still in the framework of the 2018 Neutron Sci-Fi which was held by the Indonesian Nutrition Student Association Association (ILMAGI) together with the Nutrition Science Student Association. The event continued with the " National Nutrition Summit Seminar" with the theme The Secret of Hypertension " The Silent Killer " discussing the secrets behind hypertension in reducing the global burden of disease which is located at the Open University Convention Center (UTCC) Jalan Pondok Cabe Ilir, Pamulang, Kota south tangerang, on Sunday (11/03/18).


The seminar began with remarks from the Chief Executive Syifa Akbar Maulana, Chair of the Nutrition Science Student Association Muhammad Alfian, Secretary General of ILMAGI Duena Firsta Sridiasti A and Head of the UPNVJ Nutrition Study Program Ikha Deviyanti S.Gz., RD., MKm. This seminar presented several speakers including Ir. Doddy Izwardy, MA (Director of Public Nutrition of the Indonesian Ministry of Health), Sugeng Eko Irianto, MPS., PhD (WHO Indonesia Nutritionist), dr. Ni Made Hustrini, SpPD-KGH (Specialist for Kidney Hypertension at RSCM), Dr. Rita Ramayulis, DCN., M.Kes (Initiator of the REST Diet, Book Author). Participants who attended this year's National Nutrition Summit Seminar totaled 400 people including students seminar_nutrition_ilmu_gizi1.jpg a Faculty of Nutrition, Medicine and General Affairs throughout Indonesia.

This seminar was held with the aim of broadening students' insights regarding Non-Communicable Diseases so that later they can provide useful solutions in solving problems in Indonesia. The seminar which was the closing of a series of events ended with the awarding of placards to the speakers.


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