UPNVJ Representative Successfully Wins Runner Up II in the 2018 Indonesian Maritime Boys Selection Event


HumasUPNVJ - Vina Ananda Nurlutfi, a student at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences class of 2017 representing UPN "Veteran" Jakarta, won Runner Up II in order to take part in the 2018 Maritime Son election held at the Hall of the Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Indonesia. Before making it to the Grand Final stage, Vina took part in several stages until she entered the training procession (quarantine) for 5 days at the West Jakarta Tax Training and Education Center.

The thing that made Vina Ananda interested and pursue this passion was because of her principle in life that she must have experience as well as knowledge and happiness that she can give to many people later and according to her by participating in this Putera Puteri Bahari event, she will gain experience and knowledge that can be given to her. other people and get to know more friends from Aceh to Papua.

The success that Vina achieved stems from her fun opening Instagram , she then received information about the selection event for the Sons and daughters of the Sea and then immediately auditioned and of course was fully supported by her family, especially her older sister because what inspired her to take part in this event was her own brother.

Vina experienced several difficulties during the quarantine period, she had to always use 12cm high heels during quarantine and choreo class activities, to the point where she lost sleep, but that didn't discourage her. In addition to the selection of the Son of the Sea, Vina also has several achievements, such as the 2nd winner of the FLS2N female solo singer in 2014 and the 2nd winner of the 2016 FLS2N female solo singer at the administrative city level of South Jakarta. With the many achievements she has obtained, it does not make her satisfied in exploring the talents she has within herself, Vina said that she will continue to hone the talents she has and continue to explore more for what achievements she can get.

As part of Puteri Maritime Indonesia, which is related to the sea. Vina advised her friends that "There are many ways for us as young people to preserve maritime life in Indonesia. It's as simple as not throwing garbage anywhere because the waste we throw away definitely ends up in the sea. And reduce the use of plastic waste such as straws, because most of the plastic waste in the sea is straws. In fact, many turtles die from eating trash, so start small, namely not littering. he said.

Apart from that, Vina also gave tips to be able to carry out lectures and make achievements, namely the most important thing is that we must be able to manage our time, and we must be able to know what is our passion so that it can be used as an achievement.



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