UPNVJ's Visit to Unpad in the Context of Conducting PPID Benchmarking and Quality Assurance

UPNVJ Public Relations - Jatinangor West Java, December 20 2018 UPN "Veteran" Jakarta led by Dr. Erna Hernawati, Ak., CPMA., CA as Chancellor of UPNVJ together with Deputy Chancellor for Student Affairs and Cooperation Dr. Ir. Halim Mahfud, M.Sc, and several UPNVJ officials and staff. To conduct PPID Management Benchmarking Visits (Information and Documentation Management Officers) and Quality Assurance and Records Management. During the visit the group was received by Prof. Dr. med. Tri Hanggono Achmad, dr. as Chancellor of Padjadjaran University and his staff. On this occasion, UPNVJ Chancellor Dr. Erna Hernawati, Ak, CPMA, CA conveyed the intent and purpose of the UPNVJ group's visit to UNPAD, namely to study PPID and quality assurance and archive management at Padjadjaran University. In addition, this benchmarking visit aims to develop and improve the quality of education in the realm of the Tridharma of Higher Education.   In his acceptance the Chancellor of UNPAD, Prof. Dr. med. Tri Hanggono Achmad, dr. conveyed that as State Universities we must synergize together in advancing the nation.



Parties from UPNVJ also had the opportunity to visit several places at UNPAD, namely: Integrated Service Center, Data Center and Record Center .



With this comparative study activity, it is hoped that both parties can develop and improve the quality of education as higher education managers.

At the end of the meeting, the two institutions exchanged souvenirs and took pictures together.


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