Not only good looking, UPNVJ campus ambassadors must be broad-minded


HumasUPNVJ - Call of Ambassadors or Election of Campus Ambassadors organized by the UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Student Executive Body is the first this year with the aim of involving Campus Ambassadors in developing UPNVJ and being an example for other students. The Grand Final Call of Duta took place at the UPNVJ Bhinneka Tunggal Ika Auditorium Building, Thursday (23/05).


The amount of enthusiasm from UPNVJ students can be seen from their participation in this event, there were approximately 30 participants from each faculty who had been screened and then became 7 finalists after going through several selections to get to the Grand Final stage today. University BEM invited 3 judges, including Dr. Ni Putu Eka Widiastuti, SE, M.Si, CSRS, Dra. Intan Hesti, MM and Wibisono Arif Budianto, SE. There were several assessments assessed by the 3 judges namely, public speaking , insight and also leadership .

According to the jury representative, Ni Putu Eka Widiastuti revealed that there were several things that were taken into consideration in giving an assessment of all the finalists "What was most valued was the confidence of the finalists and the ability to brand themselves as ambassadors and the ability to influence other people, not only We also look at the achievements that the finalists have achieved which are taken into consideration.” he said



After going through a fairly rigorous assessment, Raflly Alief Lazuardi and Nacita Putri Anzelia, representatives from the Faculty of Economics and Business, became the winners. It is hoped that with the election of the Sons and Daughters of the UPNVJ Campus Ambassadors, they will be able to help UPNVJ's branding even better in the future.


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