UPNVJ Holds Islamic Studies as well as Breaking Together & Donations for Orphans


Bukber_(2).JPG HumasUPNVJ - Jakarta "Veteran" National Development University held an Islamic study activity in the month of Ramadan 1440 H. The study was held at the Unity in Diversity Auditorium UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Rectorate Building.

"Indeed, it has become a routine agenda every month of Ramadan for UPN "Veteran" Jakarta to hold Islamic studies like this, apart from establishing friendship between employees and students, this activity is a form of spiritual cleansing for UPN "veteran" Jakarta academics. said Vice Chancellor I Inter Venus, Thursday (23/5).

He also added that every day in the month of Ramadan the Chancellor and the Uswah team held Islamic studies at the UPN "Veteran" Mambaul Ullum Mosque in Jakarta after the Zuhr prayer. However, at this Islamic study, there was also an iftar together and compensation for orphans.


The Islamic study this time has the theme "Synergize Intellectuality and Spirituality in Enhancing the Commitment to Defending the State of the UPN Veterans Jakarta Academic Community" with KH Adnan Idris as a speaker (expert in Sufism).

Chancellor of UPN "Veteran" Jakarta, Dr. Erna Hernawati Ak, CPMA, CA meng Bukber_(3).JPG say, his party is very grateful and appreciates the presence of employees and students in Islamic Study activities as well as Iftar together and compensation for Orphans in the month of Ramadan 1440 H.

"I and my staff would like to thank all parties, both employees and students who have prepared an Islamic study program as well as breaking the fast and compensation for orphans. The theme of this study is very good. Hopefully the entire extended family of UPN "Veteran" Jakarta can learn the lessons delivered by the speaker." Said Erna Hernawati

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