Establishing Gathering in the Celebration of Eid Al-Fitr 1440 H, UPNVJ Holds Halal Bil Halal


HumasUPNVJ - Monday (10/06/19) is the first day of work for UPN "Veteran" Jakarta employees after going on leave with Idul Fitri. The activity began with holding Halal Bil halal Eid Al-Fitr 1440 H at the UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Rectorate Field which was attended by the entire UPNVJ extended family starting from the Chancellor to Lecturers, staff and student representatives.

The event started at 08.30 WIB which began with remarks by UPNVJ Chancellor Erna Hernawati. In this case he said "Welcome and welcome back to work for all lecturers and staff. I hope that this gathering can provide extraordinary benefits to ourselves and those around us, to be able to forgive and apologize to one another. I also hope that our enthusiasm will be higher than before and we can maximize all of our work," he said.


The event continued with handshakes and apologies between the leadership and all lecturers and staff at UPN "Veteran" Jakarta. However, not only that, this friendly event was also enlivened by attractive performances from the Doskar Band (Lecturers and Employees) and which of course added to the liveliness and familiarity of the UPN "Veteran" Jakarta extended family.




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