HumasUPNVJ - In an effort to improve the Tridharma of Higher Education UPN Veteran Jakarta through the Faculty of Economics and Business held a Public Lecture with the theme "Business Competition in the Era of Disruption" with Dr. Guntur Syahputra Saragih, MSM who is a commissioner of the Business Competition Supervisory Commission (KPPU), on Thursday (20/02/20) at the Garuda Auditorium Lt IV Gd Yos Sudarso UPNVJ.
The public lecture was attended by 190 students and was intended for the Development Economics Study Program for the undergraduate program. Industrial competition in this era of disruption is an interesting theme, the era of disruption has diverted people's lifestyles and habits.
Due to the era of disruption, I used to have four of the same ATM cards in one bank just because I had to pay tuition fees, this was of course inconvenient, and previously e-tolls could only be done with an e-money card from Mandiri, this is also difficult for those who have other cards so that we and KPPU had time to make regulations so that E toll can be used with electronic money cards from other banks as well, said Pak Guntur.
Public lecture Industrial competition in this era of disruption is very enthusiastic about students because the use of digital money, as well as cashback promos and collaboration monopoly between service providers and digital money managers are of concern to students who are very familiar with the use of digital money. ( source: FEB UPNVJ)