UPNVJ FK SENSORIC Material Attracts Student Enthusiasm


HumasUPNVJ - Friday, February 21 2020, the Faculty of Medicine UPN Veterans Jakarta held a National Seminar on Medical Research (SENSORIK) which was held at the Bhinneka Tunggal Ika Hall, Lt. 4 Gd. UPNVJ Rectorate. SENSORIK FK UPNVJ was attended by 250 participants and presented four speakers at once which were divided into two sessions, the first session was filled by Prof. Frans Santosa and dr. Ria Maria Theresa. For the second session filled by Dr. dr. Prijo Sidipratomo and dr. Pukovisa, Sp.S.


Prof. Frans Santosa (Professor of UPNVJ) as the speaker who was guided by dr. Riezky as the moderator in the first session delivered material on Handling Hypertension as One of the Efforts to Defend the Country. "Defending the country doesn't have to be able to take up arms but be proud if you have the knowledge and ability to be able to make the name of the Indonesian people proud." he said

Prof. Frans explained the definition of hypertension, "Hypertension is a high blood pressure value that is ≥ 140/90 mmHg. Requirements for measuring blood pressure include measuring 2-3 times per visit, for 3 visits on different days. Please note that the normal blood pressure value is ≤ 120/80 mmHg. Several ways to avoid this disease are by avoiding fatty foods and lots of salt, too sweet foods/drinks, eating fruits and vegetables 3x/day, maintaining a normal body weight, not smoking and avoiding " passive smokers ", and regular exercise". Obviously


After Prof. Frans, followed by a presentation on the Prevention of Vascular Dementia as a Factor for Increasing National Health Security by Dr. dr. Ria Maria as Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Cooperation at UPNVJ as the second speaker in the first session. "Dimentia is a set of symptoms of cognitive deficits (memory and other thinking skills) that are continuous and progressive, including memory loss, language proficiency decline, intellectual decline, and other brain functions that interfere with daily activities and are generally accompanied by changes behavioral and psychological. Dementia is divided into several, including Alzheimer's Disease, Vascular Dementia, Lewy Body Dementia, Other Dementia, Frontal Temporal. VaD (Vascular Dementia) is a common cause of dementia”. Obviously dr. Ria


Session two hosted by dr. Ryan as moderator continued by Dr. dr. Prijo as the Dean of FK UPNVJ, he gave material on Medical Imaging Technology to Improve National Health Security. “This seminar aims to support today's young generation so that in the future they can become leaders of our nation. Talking about Stroke, Stroke is a condition that occurs when the blood supply to the brain is interrupted or reduced due to blockage (ischemic stroke) or rupture of blood vessels (hemorrhagic stroke). Without blood, the brain will not get oxygen and nutrients, so the cells in some areas of the brain will die. Obviously


after dr. Prijo explained in detail about Ischemic Stroke Imaging and Interventional Neuroradiology, SENSORIC followed by an explanation from a guest speaker from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, dr. Pukovisa, Sp.S, who presented material on Indonesia's Healthy Brain Model to Realize National Defense 4.0. “If we want to avoid brain diseases, one of which is stroke, we have to take very good care of our health. Like paying attention to the nutrition that enters our body, we must be free of addictive substances and neurotoxic substances, free of vascular risks & neurotoxic diseases, free of experiences that damage the brain, free of brain diseases, optimal raw materials such as adequate nutrition & neurotropics, adequate rest, exercise, artistic activities, gatherings, and “brain gymnastics”, valuable memory collections, having noble human habits (intelligence, emotional, social, spiritual, creativity, productivity, synergy)”. Obviously dr. Visa

The activity continued with a discussion and question and answer session and closed with the announcement of the winners for oral speakers and posters.


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Realizing State Defense in the 4.0 Era, UPNVJ Faculty of Medicine Holds a National Seminar on Medical Research

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