Stay #dirumahaja, UKM Uswah UPNVJ Conducts Productive Activities

HumasUPNVJ - Currently Indonesia is still struggling to face the pandemic that has occurred, but with the Covid-19 pandemic, the UPN Veterans Jakarta LDK Uswah Student Activity Unit continues to strive to carry out activities and hone the talents of its members in various creative programs, including:

1. Making Qur'anic Murrotal content by USWAH UKM members which can be viewed on the USWAH UPNVJ Youtube channel. Murrotal Quran letter At-Takwir on May 8 2020 by Kahfi Makarim a representative from the Faculty of Economics and Business:

2. Creating a narrative for the house of the mosque, welcoming Ramadhan April 24 2020 by Linda Nurazizah, a representative from the Faculty of Medicine;

3. Creating a Victory Day Narration in order to welcome Eid Al-Fitr 2020 by Rida Sophiatul Khofifah from FK on May 22 2020

4. Created the "GURITA" podcast, namely Turn Uswah, telling a story on May 1 2020 entitled "Approach the creator and then his creation" filled by: Kelvin Bayu aji (FEB), Dian Sari (FH), Damistriya (FISIP), Habib Ali (FEB ), Vira Febrita (FIK), Fasya Yasin (FISIP);

5. Conducting Khataman Quran online which is broadcast live via Instagram @Uswah.Upnvjakarta. This Quranic Khataman was carried out on the last day of the month of Ramadan by a member of Uswah, Adam Azka, a representative from the Faculty of Law 2018

And there are many other activities, Suprima as the LDK Uswah UPNVJ UKM supervisor expressed his pride for the PR team because LDK Uswah's friends are still productive and have high creativity even though they are in the middle of a pandemic like this.



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