DKM UPNVJ Holds New Normal Preparatory Meeting and Formation of Eid Al-Adha 1441 H Committee

Public RelationsUPNVJ -   New Normal is a way for the government to accelerate the handling of Covid-19 in the health and socio-economic aspects of the Indonesian people. In order to prepare for the new normal in the UPN Veterans Jakarta campus environment, especially in the Manbaul'Ulum Mosque environment, members of the Mosque Family Council held a new normal preparatory meeting as well as a meeting to form the Eid al-Adha 1441 H committee which was held online on Saturday 06 June 2020 which was attended by the Chancellor and Management DKM UPNVJ.

Suprima, M.Pd.I as the General Chairperson of the UPNVJ DKM who chaired the inaugural meeting of the UPNVJ DKM board for the 2020 to 2024 period expressed his gratitude to all UPNVJ DKM management and meeting participants who were willing to attend even though they were online in the midst of a pandemic like this. Suprima also explained a number of things, related to the preparations that must be prepared by DKM members in facing the current new normal as well as new regulations that must comply with government recommendations to pay attention to health protocols when in the mosque environment, "Especially for UPNVJ DKM administrators please carry out sterilization to worship support facilities at the Manbaul'ulum and Al Fikri mosques according to health protocols to maintain cleanliness. Under normal circumstances religious orders are to pray in a straight line and close the lines, but in special conditions / pandemic, set a safe distance for congregational prayers in the mosque with a distance limit of 2 tiles marked with a cross or with duct tape. Checking the temperature when entering the work / worship location at the UPNVJ mosque has been carried out by security if the temperature is 37.5 it is recommended not to come to work. Spraying disinfectants in each of the Manbaul'ulum and Al Fikri mosques, preparing soap in each of the Manbaul'ulum and Al Fikri mosques to wash hands before ablution.” Obviously

"During prayer times do not use air conditioning, only fans, open all windows so that air circulates smoothly, after prayer, leave the mosque, do not crowd, the mosque functions only for prayer. Activities in the mosque are not recommended to shake hands, let alone rub your face, nose and mouth. outside during ablution, when performing the Friday prayer it needs to be conveyed to the khotib in the delivery on the pulpit with enough time of 10 minutes which is important the pillars are fulfilled. linger in the mosque, Islamic studies at the mosque are temporarily not recommended / can be eliminated virtually, as was done in the month of Ramadan 1441 H, it turns out that the number of participants is not small, around 220 participants. One of the wisdoms of the Covid 19 pandemic is entering a new order of familiarity with digital. Especially for employees who want to pray in congregation at the mosque, it is highly recommended to perform ablution from the office. he continued

The activity was continued with the direction of the Chancellor of UPNVJ, Erna Hernawati "Starting Monday June 8 2020, staff and lecturers with additional assignments have started to go to work around 50% rotated every day in preparation for the new normal , each sub-satker and mosque to adjust health protocols, the most important thing to students can be used so that students are close to religion, it is also necessary to strengthen religion for employees. The mosque program for student development needs to be studied virtually as the vision and mission of UPN Veteran Jakarta ". Erna said

After the preparatory meeting for the new normal, it was followed by a meeting to form the Eid al-Adha 1441 H committee, and the one who was approved as Chair of the Eid al-Adha 1441 H committee was elected Bp. Ade Nur Rohim, SHI, MEI, assisted by the Secretary and Treasurer of DKM UPN Veterans Jakarta, it only remains to continue the formation of sections in carrying out the intended activities.

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