UPNVJ FK Will Collaborate with Dr. Suyoto

HumasUPNVJ - Collaboration carried out by each higher education faculty is an important factor both in assessing accreditation and in improving the quality of graduates. On this basis, the UPN Veteran Jakarta Faculty of Medicine (FK) conducted mediation in collaboration with Dr. Suyoto, on Monday (08/06/20).

Meeting with the Dean of the UPNVJ Faculty of Medicine dr. Prijo Sidipratomo was carried out in the meeting room of the Faculty of Medicine, Dr. Wahidin UPNVJ.

The Dean of FK UPNVJ on this occasion received a visit from the head of the hospital (Karumkit) Dr. Dr. Suyoto Daniel Liu, Sp. Rad (K) and its staff. On this occasion he conveyed a number of things and objectives of the collaboration that would later be carried out with UPNVJ FK.

dr. Daniel Liu said he wanted to foster cooperation as an Educational Hospital by FK UPNVJ, especially in the field of Medical Rehabilitation which consisted of Physiotherapy, Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Prosthetic Orthotics, Psychotherapy and Hydrotherapy. He also said that RS Dr. Sutoyo already has 5 medical rehab doctors, 1 person is currently pursuing a doctoral program. dr. Daniel Liu also added that in Indonesia, Sutoyo Hospital is the only hospital that provides medical rehabilitation services, including hyperbaric and probiotics.

In the middle of the meeting, UPNVJ Chancellor Erna Hernawati was also present. On this occasion, she also conveyed the objectives of Dr. Karumkit Hospital. Suyoto, the Chancellor also welcomed and approved this collaboration plan, namely cooperation in the field of Medical Rehabilitation.

dr. Prijo also said "previously the UPNVJ FK had collaborated with the POLRI Hospital, where the UPNVJ FK planned to open a forensic specialist study program, the collegium had allowed it, with the condition that the UPNVJ FK must obtain Accreditation A first" said the dean of the UPNVJ FK.

dr. Prijo concluded "this collaboration is for the future orientation of the POLRI Hospital as a center for opening forensic specialist study programs and Dr. Suyoto as the Medical Rehab Center," he said.

With this exploratory stage, the next stage will be drafting an MOU and PKS in the field of Medical Rehap. Both parties hope that in the future good cooperation will be established and increase the quality of UPNVJ FK teaching.


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