The Pandemic Period Did Not Hinder the Spirit of Young Entrepreneurs, UPNVJ Holds a 2020 KBMI Proposal Preparation Workshop


HumasUPNVJ - In order to develop and improve the entrepreneurial character of students, UPN Veteran Jakarta through the Career Development and Entrepreneurship Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) held another Workshop on Proposal Preparation for Indonesian Student Business Activities (KBMI), on Monday (08/06/20).

Unlike the previous year, this year the workshop was held online by presenting Dr. Tipri Rose Kartika SE., MM. On his occasion while attending the workshop the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Cooperation Dr. dr. Ria Maria Theresa said that this year is the 4th year we have been able to take part in this KBMI activity. In the previous year, UPNVJ managed to send 3 groups. He also hopes that this year there will be more students who qualify.

Last year we managed to send 3 groups that passed the funding and were also able to take part in the Expo which was held in Batam. This year I hope we can send more groups that qualify for funding. And on this occasion we make the best use of it so that we get good tips and tricks so that the proposal can be in accordance with the existing terms and conditions, "said dr. Ria.


In front of 200 students attending this online workshop, Dr. Tipri said that KBMI participants from year to year are students who want to foster a young entrepreneurial spirit to become the nation's next generation who are able to support government programs and can produce innovative and creative works that will become provisions in the future.

We need to know that the KBMI activity is a program formed by providing assistance (capital) for business development from the Belmawa Directorate in the amount of Rp. 10,000,000 to Rp. 20,000,000, for each business group that passes the selection.

Dr. Tipri also conveyed several stages and special conditions that must be owned and followed by the participants so that how the participants know the announcement of passing the selection. This workshop is open to all Indonesian people and is carried out in two directions to be able to equalize perceptions between speakers and participants.

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