The UPNVJ UTBK Committee Urges Prospective Participants to Reprint the Test Cards

HumasUPNVJ - Long before the implementation of UTBK was held, UPN Veteran Jakarta had urged prospective UTBK participants to reprint new test cards in accordance with the directions of the LTMPT central committee. But in practice, on the third day there were still several UTBK participants who had not had time to reprint their test cards. (7/7/20)


According to the executive secretary of the UPNVJ UTBK center, Dr. Drs. Suyatno, problems like that are common, "In principle, the implementation of UTBK until the third day has been running smoothly. Even though there were a few obstacles, in our opinion the obstacles that occurred were not big things, they are common in every activity. This obstacle also occurred due to the dynamics of change from the LTMPT central committee. Given that we are currently still in a pandemic period, actually the change in policy from the center is an attempt not to make the campus (UTBK center) a new cluster for the spread of the Covid 19 virus. Previously we planned the exam to be four sessions a day, with this change it became only two sessions per day, so the UTBK implementation time was extended until the third week of July. This has triggered several prospective UTBK participants to forget to reprint their test cards.” he said

"Prospective UTBK participants should always actively look at the latest information from LTMPT and the campus where they take their exams so that no information is left behind. We urge all prospective UTBK participants to read updates from social media and the UPNVJ website as often as possible. Close Suyatno

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Information video related to the Implementation of UTBK 2020:

Location & Center Room UTBK-SBMPTN 2020 UPN Veteran Jakarta Campus-Pondok Labu

Location & Center Room UTBK-SBMPTN 2020 UPN Veteran Jakarta Campus-Limo

Procedure for the 2020 UTBK SBMPTN UPN Veteran Jakarta during the Covid-19 Pandemic

Implementation of UPNVJ 2020 UTBK during the Covid-19 Pandemic

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